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Classify Object Via Classifier Associations

When building an instance model from a predefined Class model, Enterprise Architect can assist in setting classifiers and role names for objects involved in a relationship. For example, if ClassA has association relationships with ClassB and ClassC, you can create an instance of ClassA (ObjectA), then draw an association to a new unclassified object and have the choice of selecting ClassB or ClassC as the classifiers of the new object.

A UML Class diagram showing Associations between Class elements, and (inset) a UML Object diagram fragment showing how the Association roles are denoted in their instances.


Where you have an existing association between a classified object and an unclassified object, use either method outlined here, to display the 'Choose an Association' dialog.

Context Menu

Right-click on existing Association | Advanced | Instance Classifier

Keyboard Shortcuts

Select the existing Association : Ctrl+L

Choose an Association Connector dialog



See also

Classifier Name

Displays the name (if defined) of each Association connector issuing from the source object's classifier.

If the connector has no name, the value <anonymous> displays.


Represents the source and target classifier elements in each Association connector issuing from the source object's classifier.

If you select one of these, the target classifier becomes the classifier for the target object element.

Select <none> if you want to create the Association, but not based on the classifier relationships.

<Source Object Name> Role

Identifies any Roles defined in the Association for the source classifier element, according to the source role multiplicity setting; if you select one of these roles, this will become the specific Role for the source object, as shown on the name of the element on the diagram.

If the multiplicity is not set, or the upper bound is * (asterisk), just the role name displays in the list.

<Target Object Name> Role

Identifies any Roles defined in the Association for the target classifier, according to the target role multiplicity setting; if you select one of these roles, it will become the specific Role for the target object as shown on the name of the element in the diagram (and on the 'Binding' page of the Association connector 'Properties' dialog).

If the multiplicity is not set, or the upper bound is * (asterisk), just the role name displays in the list.


Click on the Association and source and target roles, then click on this button to:

  • Create the Association between the two objects based on the relationship between the two classifiers, and
  • Make the target classifier the classifier for the target object

If you selected the <none> entry, a simple Association is created and the target object is unclassified.


Cancel the dialog without changing any classifier settings.


  • When creating a new association or object, the 'Properties' dialog might appear before the 'Choose an Association Connector' dialog; complete any 'Properties' fields as required, and click on the OK button

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