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Finding Elements

When you have selected an element on a diagram, you might want to find out where it is held in the model structure, where else it is used in the model, and how to locate it easily in the future. For these operations, you can select the 'Find' submenu.



Design > Element > Manage > Find in Diagrams

Design > Element > Manage > Find in Project Browser

Context Menu

Right-click on element | Find

(see Find Options for a description of the sub-menu).

Keyboard Shortcuts

Alt+G    (find in Browser window)

Ctrl+U    (find in all diagrams)

Find Options

When 'Find' is selected from the context menu, a sub-menu is displayed, providing options as described here.



See also

Locate in State Table
Locate in State Chart

For a State element, select this option to switch from one diagram display format to the other, and highlight the element.

StateMachine Table StateMachines

In Project Browser

Select this option to highlight the currently selected element in the Browser window.

Shortcut: Alt+G

Locate Classifier In Project Browser

For an instance or Object, select this option to highlight the classifier for that element in the Browser window.

Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+G

Finding Elements

Locate Operation in Project Browser

For an Action element, select this option to highlight the call operation for that element in the Browser window.

Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+G

Class Operations in Diagrams

Find in all Diagrams

Select this option to list the other diagrams in which the element is also used, on the 'Element Usage' dialog.

Shortcut: Ctrl+U

Show Element Use

Custom References

Select this option to identify and, if necessary, open the 'Properties' dialog for any elements that are the target of a cross reference from the selected element.

Shortcut: Ctrl+J

Set Up Cross References

Add to Favorites

Select this option to add the selected element to the Favorites folder in the Resources window.
