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SysML Toolboxes

Enterprise Architect's support for SysML provides Diagram Toolbox pages for the nine types of SysML diagram, which you can access through the 'Find Toolbox Item' dialog. If you enable SysML as the active technology, you can also open the SysML Toolbox pages by default.

These sets of Toolbox pages are available:

  • 'Activity' contains the constructs required to construct SysML Activity models
  • 'Block Definition' contains the constructs required to design SysML Blocks, Constraint Blocks, data and value types
  • 'Interaction' contains the constructs required to construct SysML interactions and Sequence diagrams
  • 'Internal Block' contains the constructs required to design SysML Block compositions within Internal Block diagrams
  • 'Model Elements' contains the constructs required to build SysML models, Package structures and views
  • 'Parametrics' contains the constructs required to construct SysML Parametric diagrams using constraint blocks
  • 'Requirements' contains the constructs required to build SysML Requirements models
  • 'StateMachine' contains the constructs required to build SysML StateMachines
  • 'Use Case' contains the constructs required to build SysML Use Case models

With the 'Model Elements' pages there is a set of SysML Common elements and relationships; these are also provided with the other 'SysML' Toolbox pages if the active technology is set on the Default Tools toolbar to 'SysML 1.1', 'SysML 1.2', 'SysML 1.3', 'SysML 1.4' or 'SysML 1.5'.

For details, see the Help Topic for each set of SysML Toolbox pages.