- #AUTHOR# - Diagram author
- #CREATEDATE# - Diagram created date
- #CSS# - Style Sheet to use
- #GUID# - Diagram GUID
- #IMAGE# - Image of the diagram
- #IMAGES# - Image path
- #LOCKED# - Is the diagram locked (true or false)
- #MODDATE# - Diagram modified date
- #NAME# - Diagram name
- #NOTE# - Diagram notes
- #STEREOTYPE# - Diagram stereotype
- #TITLE# - Diagram title
- #TYPE# - Diagram type
- #VERSION# - Diagram version
- #ABSTRACT# - Element abstract (if true, = abstract)
- #ACTIVE# - Element isActive (true or false)
- #ALIAS# - Element alias ("#ALIAS#")
- #AUTHOR# - Element author
- #BEHAVIOR# - Returns the object behavior.
- #CLASSIFIER# - Element classifier
- #CLASSIFIERREF# - Returns the HREF of the classifier
- #COMPLEXITY# - Element complexity
- #CREATEDATE# - Element created date
- #CSS# - Style Sheet to use
- #DIAGRAMS# - List of diagrams the element is on
- #DIFF# - Element difficulty
- #GUID# - Element GUID
- #IMAGES# - Image path
- #KEYWORDS# - Element keywords
- #LANGUAGE# - Element language
- #LEAF# - Element isLeaf (true or false)
- #LEVELNUMBER# - Element level number
- #MODDATE# - Element modified date
- #MULTIPLICITY# - Element multiplicity ("Multiplicity: #MULTIPLICITY#")
- #NAME# - Element name
- #NOTE# - Element notes
- #PHASE# - Element phase
- #PRIORITY# - Element priority
- #ROOT# - Element isRoot (true or false)
- #SCOPE# - Element scope
- #STATUS# - Element status
- #STEREOTYPE# - Element stereotype(s)
- #TYPE# - Element type; for example, Class, Object
- #VERSION# - Element version
- #CONTENT# - Loops Body – Project Glossary Item for each Project Glossary item
- #MEANING# - Glossary Meaning
- #TERM# - Glossary Term
- #TYPE# - Glossary Type
- #CONTENT# - Loops Body – Project Issue Item for each Project Issue item
- #DATERESOLVED# - Project Issue resolved date (blank if no date entered)
- #ISSUE# - Project Issue name
- #ISSUEDATE# - Project Issue issue date
- #NOTES# - Project Issue notes
- #OWNER# - Project Issue owner
- #RESOLUTION# - Project Issue resolution
- #RESOLVER# - Project Issue resolver
- #STATUS# - Project Issue status
- #CONTENT# - Loops Body – Project Task Item for each Project Task item
- #ENDDATE# - Project Task end date
- #NAME# - Project Task name
- #NOTES# - Project Task notes
- #OWNER# - Project Task owner
- #PHASE# - Project Task phase
- #PRIORITY# - Project Task priority
- #STARTDATE# - Project Task start date
- #STATUS# - Project Task status
- #TYPE# - Project Task type
- #CONTENT# - Loops Content – Attributes Item for each attribute on an element
- #ALIAS# - Attribute alias ("<i>Alias:</i> #ALIAS#<br>")
- #ALLOWDUPLICATES# - For Non-Table elements, returns True or False
- #COLLECTION# - For Non-Table elements, returns True or False
- #CONST# - Attribute is constant value ("const " <-- Note Space)
- #CONSTRAINT# - Attribute constraint
- #DEFAULT# - Attribute default value ("<i>Initial:</i> #DEFAULT<br>")
- #DERIVED# - Attribute is Derived
- #FK# - Foreign Key, for Table elements returns True or False
- #ISID# - Attribute is ID
- #ISORDERED# - For Non-Table elements, returns True or False
- #NAME# - Attribute name
- #NOTE# - Attribute notes
- #NOTNULL# - For Table elements, returns True or False
- #ORDERED# - Attribute Is ordered value ("Ordered <br />")
- #PK# - Primary Key, for Table elements returns True or False
- #RANGE# - If lower != 1 ("Range:<lower> to <upper>")
- #SCOPE# - Attribute scope ("# SCOPE# " <-- Note space)
- #STATIC# - Attribute is static value (“static ” <-- Note Space)
- #STEREOTYPE# - Attribute stereotype(s)
- #TAGS# - Attribute tags ("Property Name=Property Value<br>")
- #TRANSIENT# - Attribute is Transient
- #TYPE# - Attribute type (if Column, “#TYPE(Column Precision, Scale)")
- #UNIQUE# - For Table elements, returns True or False
#CONTENT# - List of Content - Checklist Item
- #DESCRIPTION# - CheckList Description
- #CHECKED# - True/False value if the item is checked
- #CHECKEDXD# - x/- value if the item is checked
- #CONTENT# - Loops Content – Constraints Item for each constraint on an element
- #CONSTRAINT# - Constraint name
- #NOTES# - Constraint notes
- #STATUS# - Constraint status
- #TYPE# - Constraint type
- #CONTENT# - List of all Content – Custom Properties - Item
- #PROPERTY# - Custom property name
- #VALUE# - Custom property value
(if type equal boolean
true or false
- #CONTENT# - List of Content - Element Effort Item
- #EFFORT# - Effort name
- #TYPE# - Effort Type
- #TIME# - Effort Time
- #NOTES# - Effort Notes
- #CONTENT# - List of Content - Element Risk Item
- #RISK# - Risk name
- #TYPE# - Risk Type
- #WEIGHT# - Risk Weight
- #NOTES# - Risk Notes
- #CONTENT# - List of Content - Element Metric Item
- #METRIC# - Metric name
- #TYPE# - Metric type
- #WEIGHT# - Metric weight
- #NOTES# - Metric notes
- #CONTENT# - List of Content - Files Item
- #DATE# - File date
- #FILENAME# - The name of the file.
- #LINKPATH# - Identifies the file path; if the 'Hyperlinked Files' checkbox is selected, this path is shown as the file path relative to the generated HTML directory; if the checkbox is not selected, the path is shown as the Absolute file path to the source directory for the file
- #NAME# - Shows the Absolute source directory path and file name of the linked file; if the 'Hyperlinked Files' checkbox is selected, the hyperlink is actually to the file path relative to the generated HTML directory; if the checkbox is not selected, the link is actually to the Absolute file path; you cannot change this tag
- #NOTES# - File notes
- #SIZE# - File size
- #TYPE# - File type
The #FILENAME# and #LINKPATH# tags can be used together to create custom hyperlink target types. For example:
<a href="#LINKPATH#" target="_blank">#FILENAME#</a>
- #CONTENT# - Loops Content – Inherited Attributes Item for each attribute on an element
- #ALIAS# - Attribute alias ("<i>Alias:</i> #ALIAS#<br>")
- #CONST# - Attribute is constant value ("const " <-- Note Space)
- #CONSTRAINT# - Attribute constraint
- #DEFAULT# - Attribute default value ("<i>Initial:</i> #DEFAULT<br>")
- #NAME# - Attribute name
- #NOTE# - Attribute notes
- #ORDERED# - Attribute Is ordered value ("Ordered <br/>")
- #RANGE# - If lower != 1 ("Range:<lower> to <upper>")
- #SCOPE# - Attribute scope ("#SCOPE# " <-- Note space)
- #STATIC# - Attribute is static value (“static ” <-- Note Space)
- #STEREOTYPE# - Attribute stereotype(s)
- #TAGS# - Attribute tags ("Property Name=Property Value<br>")
- #TYPE# - Attribute type (if Column, “#TYPE(Column Precision, Scale)")
- #CONTENT# - List of Content - Inherited Operations Item
- #ABSTRACT# - Operation abstract (abstract)
- #ALIAS# - Operation alias (“<i>Alias:</i> #ALIAS#<br>”)
- #CONCURRENCY# - Operation concurrency (blank if not set)
- #CONST# - Operation constant (const)
- #CONSTRAINTS# - List of Method Constraint
- #ISQUERY# - Operation IsQuery (isQuery)
- #NAME# - Operation name
- #NOTE# - Operation notes
- #PARAMS# - List of Content – Operation Item Parameters
- #SCOPE# - Operation Scope
- #STATIC# - Operation IsStatic (static)
- #STEREOTYPE# - Operation stereotype
- #TAGLABEL# - Static text (Tags)
- #TAGS# - Attribute tags ("Property Name=Property Value<br>")
- #TYPE# - Operation type
- #CONTENT# - List of Content - Operations Item
- #ABSTRACT# - Operation abstract (abstract)
- #ALIAS# - Operation alias (“<i>Alias:</i> #ALIAS#<br>”)
- #CONCURRENCY# - Operation concurrency (blank if not set)
- #CONST# - Operation constant (const)
- #CONSTRAINTS# - List of Method Constraint
- #ISQUERY# - Operation IsQuery (isQuery)
- #NAME# - Operation name
- #NOTE# - Operation notes
- #PARAMS# - List of Content – Operation Item Parameters
- #SCOPE# - Operation Scope
- #STATIC# - Operation IsStatic (static)
- #STEREOTYPE# - Operation stereotype
- #TAGLABEL# - Static text (Tags)
- #TAGS# - Attribute tags ("Property Name=Property Value<br>")
- #TYPE# - Operation type
- #DEFAULT# - Op Parameter default
- #GUID# - Op Parameter GUID
- #KIND# - Op Parameter kind
- #NAME# - Op Parameter name
- #NOTES# - Op Parameter notes
- #STEREOTYPE# - Op Parameter stereotype
- #TYPE# - Op Parameter type
- #CONTENT# - List of Content – Resource Allocation Item
- #ACTUAL# - Resource actual time
- #ENDDATE# - Resource end date
- #EXPECTED# - Resource expected date
- #NOTES# - Resource notes
- #PERCENT# - Resource percent complete
- #RESOURCE# - Resource name
- #ROLE# - Resource role
- #STARTDATE# - Resource start date
- #TIME# - Resource time
- #CONNECTION# - Connector type
- #DIRECTION# - Connector direction
- #ELEMNAME# - Name of the element at the source/destination of the connector
- #IMAGE# - The file path of the images
- #LINK# - (<a href= "path to element">"Connection Name"</a>)
- #LINKREF# - Page name of the element at the source/destination of the connector
- #NAME# - Connector Name
- #NOTES# - The connector notes
- #NUMBER# - A unique number used to identify div elements
- #SOURCEROLE# - Source role
- #SOURCEROLENOTES# - Source role notes
- #STEREOTYPE# - Connector stereotype
- #TARGETROLE# - Target role
- #TARGETROLENOTES# Target role notes
- #TYPE# - Connector type
- #DIRECTION# - Connector direction
- #ELEMNAME# - Name of the element at the source/destination of the connector
- #IMAGE# - The file path of the images
- #LINK# - (<a href= "path to element">"Connection Name"</a>)
- #LINKREF# - Page name of the element at the source/destination of the connector
- #NAME# - Connector name
- #NOTES# - The connector notes
- #NUMBER# - A unique number used to identify div elements
- #STEREOTYPE# - Connector stereotype
- #TYPE# - Connector type
- #CONNECTION# - Connector type
- #ELEMNAME# - Name of the element at the source/destination of the connector
- #IMAGE# - The file path of the images
- #LINK# - (<a href= "path to element">"Connection Name"</a>)
- #LINKREF# - Page name of the element at the source/destination of the connector
- #NAME# - Connector name
- #NOTES# - The connector notes
- #NUMBER# - A unique number used to identify div elements
- #SOURCEROLE# - Source role
- #SOURCEROLENOTES# - Source role notes
- #STEREOTYPE# - Connector stereotype
- #TARGETROLE# - Target role
- #TARGETROLENOTES# Target role notes
- #TYPE# - Connector type
- #LINKDOC# - Linked Document.
- #CONTENT# - List of Linked Requirement Item
- #DIFF# - Linked Requirement difficulty
- #NAME# - Linked Requirement name
- #PRIORITY# - Linked Requirement priority
- #STATUS# - Linked Requirement status
- #CONTENT# - List of Maintenance Line Item
- #DATEREPORTED# - Maintenance date reported
- #DATERESOLVED# - Maintenance date resolved
- #IMAGE# - The file path of the images
- #NOTES# - Maintenance notes
- #NUMBER# - A unique number used to identify div elements
- #PRIORITY# - Maintenance priority
- #PROBLEM# - Maintenance name
- #REPORTEDBY# - Maintenance reported by
- #RESOLVEDBY# - Maintenance resolved by
- #RESOLVERNOTES# - Maintenance resolved notes
- #STATUS# - Maintenance status
- #TYPE# - Maintenance type
- #VERSION# - Maintenance version
(Applies only to Sequence messages.)
- #CONTENT# - Loops the Message Item for each attribute on an element
- #DIRECTION# - Contains the value To or From
- #KIND# - The 'Message Kind' field
- #MESSAGE# - Connector Message
- #NAME# - Name of the Message (<a href="<path>">#NAME#)
If Message has a classifier: #NAME#="#NAME# :Classifier"
- #NOTES# - The Message notes (<strong>Type:</strong> #Item Type#<br /> #NOTES#)
- #SYNCH# - The 'Message Synch' field
- #TYPE# - The type of Message
- #NAME# - Method Constraint name
- #NOTES# - Method Constraint notes
- #TYPE# - Method Constraint type
- #CONTENT# - List of Object Requirement Item
- #DIFF# - Requirement difficulty
- #NAME# - Requirement name
- #NOTES# - Requirement notes
- #PRIORITY# - Requirement priority
- #STABILITY# - Requirement stability
- #STATUS# - Requirement status
- #TYPE# - Requirement type
- #CONTENT# - List of Package Content Row
- #NAME# - Link to Package (<a href="#Link to file#">#Package name#</a>)
- #TYPE# - Link to Image (<img src="#path to image#">)
- #CONTENT# - Contains Body - Diagram through to Body - Object
- #TITLE# - Current Package name
- #CSS# - Style Sheet to use
- #HOME# - A link to the Start page
- #JS# - JavaScript to use
- #TITLE# - Current Package name
- #TOC# - Table of Contents
- #CONTENT# - List of Scenario Item
- #EXCEPTIONS# - List of Structured Scenario exceptions
- #STRUCTURED# - List of Structured Scenarios
- #IMAGE# - The file path of the images
- #NOTES# - Scenario notes
- #NUMBER# - A unique number used to identify div elements
- #SCENARIO# - Scenario name
- #TYPE# - Scenario type
- #CONTENT# - Loops Scenario Exception Item for each exception
- #NAME# - Exception name
- #STEPNO# - Exception step number
- #TYPE# - Exception Type
- #CONTENT# - Loops Scenario Structured Items for each Structured Scenario item
- #ACTION# - Name of the scenario
- #STEPNO# - Scenario step number
- #RESULT# - Step result value
- #USES# - Step uses value
- #STATE# - Step state value
- #TYPE# - Step type (System or User)
- #CONTENT# - List of Tagged Value Line Item
- #IMAGE# - The file path of the images
- #NOTES# - Tagged Value notes
- #NUMBER# - A unique number used to identify div elements
- #PROPERTY# - Tagged Value name
- #VALUE# - Tagged Value if type is boolean (value is true or false)
- #CONTENT# - List of Test Cases Line Item
- #ACCEPTANCE# - Test Case acceptance notes
- #CHECKEDBY# - Test Case checked by
- #CLASS# - Test Case Class (Unit, Integration, System, Acceptance, Scenario)
- #IMAGE# - The file path of the images
- #INPUT# - Test Case input notes
- #NOTES# - Test Case notes
- #NUMBER# - A unique number used to identify div elements
- #RESULTS# - Test Case result notes
- #RUNBY# - Test Case run by
- #RUNDATE# - Test Case last run
- #STATUS# - Test Case status
- #TEST# - Test Case name
- #TYPE# - Test Case type