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Create Connector in Browser window

You can create a connector from one element to another directly in the Browser window.

Connect elements from the Browser Window



See also


In the Browser window, either:

  • Right-click on the element to create a connector for, and select the 'Add | Create Link' option, or
  • Select the element, press the Insert key and select the 'Create Link' option

The 'Create Link' dialog displays.


In the 'Direction' field, click on the drop-down arrow and select the direction of the new connector ('Outgoing' means the selected element is the source).


In the 'Link Type' field, click on the drop-down arrow and select the type of connector.


In the 'Choose target(s)' list, click on the name of the target.

(If necessary, in the 'Select Target Type' field click on the drop-down arrow and select a feature to list only elements having that feature).


Click on the OK button to create the connector.


  • You can also reproduce an existing connector between two elements when you paste those elements from the Browser window into a diagram as instances; an option enables you to copy just the elements, or the relationship as well

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