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Creating Sub-lanes

When you add elements to a diagram, you can position them in horizontal or vertical Swimlanes to indicate the presence or absence of a particular feature or property.

Within each Swimlane you can further group or separate the elements into sub-lanes, which are a useful device for defining another level in the organization of the diagram. For example, you might want to divide a 'Process' lane into two sub-lanes representing input and output, or 'In-Progress' and 'Complete'. The 'Sub-lanes' page helps you to quickly and easily create any number of new sub-lanes for a Swimlane on a diagram.



Design > Diagram > Manage > Swimlanes >  Swimlanes > Right-click on a Swimlane

Layout > Diagram > Swimlanes > Swimlanes > Right-click on a Swimlane

Context Menu

Right-click on diagram background | Swimlanes and Matrix > Swimlanes > Right-click on a Swimlane

Swimlane Context Menu Options

Right-click on the name of a Swimlane in the 'Swimlanes' panel.

Create sub lane

Displays the 'Create sub lane' dialog, on which you enter the title of the sub-lane. Click on the OK button to save the name and add it to the 'Swimlanes' panel.

Copy sub lanes

Copies all the sub-lanes underneath the selected Swimlane.

Paste lane(s)

Adds the sub-lanes held in the clipboard to the currently-selected Swimlane.

Sub-lane Context Menu Options

Right-click on the name of a sub-lane in the 'Swimlanes' panel.

Edit name

Displays the 'Edit sub lane name' dialog, on which you overtype the existing name with a new name. Click on the OK button to effect the change and close the dialog.

The Modify button on the 'Swimlanes' tab has the same effect.

Delete lane

Removes the sub-lane from the list. There is no confirmatory prompt.

The Delete button on the 'Swimlanes' tab has the same effect.

Copy Lane

Copies the sub-lane to the clipboard. Use the 'Paste lane(s)' option on the Swimlane context menu to add the copied lane to another Swimlane


  • If you want to re-organize the sub-lanes, click on a sub-lane name and use the 'Hand Up' and 'Hand Down' buttons, as for the Swimlanes
  • Whilst you can adjust the width or height of a Swimlane by dragging the border, sub-lanes are automatically adjusted to take up the appropriate fraction of the Swimlane; for example, two sub-lanes take up half of the Swimlane each, three take up a third of the Swimlane each, and so on