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Shape Editor

When you create a Shape Script through the 'Stereotypes' tab of the 'UML Types' dialog, you write the script using the Shape Editor. This provides the facilities of the Common Code Editor, including Intelli-sense for Shape Script attributes and functions.



Configure  > Reference Data > UML Types > Stereotypes : (select or specify stereotype) : Shape Script + Assign

Editor Options



See also


Click on the drop-down arrow and select the Shape Script version (currently only EAShapeScript 1.0 is available).


Click on this button to import a Shape Script from a text file (.txt). A file browser displays through which you can locate the file to import.

When you have located and selected the file, click on the Open button to import the script into the editing panel.


Click on this button to export a Shape Script to a text file. A file browser displays through which you can specify the file to export to.

When you have identified the file, click on the Save button to complete the export and return to the Shape Editor.

Type the script commands in this panel.

Write Scripts


Click on this button to exit from the Shape Editor.

To SAVE your Shape Script, click on the Save button on the 'Stereotypes' tab.

Getting Started With Shape Scripts

Next Shape

If you have a shape made up of different components, click on this button to rotate through the multiple shape definitions in the 'Preview' panel.


Click on this button to parse your script and display the result in the Preview window.

Learn more