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Spell Checking

Spell Checking

Enterprise Architect provides a powerful spell checking facility that operates at both project level and Package level.




See also

Automatic Spell Checking

The spell checker can be set to run automatically, so that it highlights possible errors in text as it is created or pasted in:

  1. Select 'Start > Desktop > Preferences > Preferences > Objects'.
  2. Deselect or select the 'Disable spelling' checkbox.

Spelling Configuration

You can configure what types of text error the spell checker should detect, using the 'Spelling Options' dialog.

Select Spell Checker Options

Use Languages Other Than English

Enterprise Architect is supplied with dictionaries for US English, Canadian English and British English; you can download a set of dictionaries for other languages from the Sparx Systems website.

Use Languages Other Than English

Using the Spell Checker

You can run the spell checker manually on the whole model, or on a selected Package.

Using the Spell Checker

Correcting Text

As the spell check progresses, Enterprise Architect highlights any errors or unknown words; you have several options for responding to these potential spelling errors.

Correcting Words


  • In the Corporate, Unified and Ultimate editions of Enterprise Architect, if security is enabled you must have 'Spell Check' permission to perform any spell check or change any spell check options

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