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Publish Toolbar

The Publish Toolbar provides access to a number of facilities for capturing details of your model structures in a document or report for more general and external distribution.



Explore > Portals | Show Toolbar | Publish

Publish Toolbar Options



See also

Generate Documentation

Opens the 'Generate Documentation' dialog, on which you specify the parameters for generating a document on the content of the selected Package in PDF, RTF or DOCX format.

Generate Document Reports

Custom Document

Prompts you to specify a name for a custom Linked Document, held in a Document Artifact element, into which you can type, paste or link any material you require on the selected Package. The Document Artifact is created as a child element of the selected Package.

Creating Custom Documents

Preview Mode

Displays an instant dynamic document on the selected element.

Dynamic Documents in the Document Window

Publish As

Publish the currently-selected Package to a file in one of a number of different XML formats, for use in your preferred external tool, such as Rational Rose.

Publish Model Package

Create a New Document File

Opens a new, blank, Linked Document in the Document Editor for the selected element or Package.

Edit Linked Documents

Reusable Asset Service

Displays the Reusable Asset Service view through which - if you working via a connection to the Cloud - helps you to connect to your Reusable Asset Service registry and review the registry contents.

Save Diagram Image to File

If you have a diagram open this icon displays the 'Save as Image' browser, which you use to create and save a file containing an image of the diagram.

Save Diagram Image to File

Print Diagram

Print the current diagram on the locally-defined printer.

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