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Status Bar

The Status bar displays at the bottom of the Enterprise Architect work area. It shows information on the current operation and certain key settings, and provides a 'zoom bar' for adjusting the scale of the diagrams you view.

Status Bar in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.

You can hide the Status bar itself by selecting the 'Hide Status Bar' option on the 'General' page of the 'Preferences' dialog ('Start > Desktop > Preferences > Preferences > General > Window Behavior').

You can also hide sections of the information that the Status Bar shows by right-clicking on it and de-selecting any or all of the options:

  • <current perspective> (to hide the name of the currently selected Perspective)
  • Zoom Slider
  • Status Indicators

Status Bar Sections



See also

Object Type/Name

Shows the type and name of the currently-selected diagram, or of the currently selected element in the diagram, or the status of the currently-displayed Model Search.

Creation data

Shows the date and time at which the current diagram was created and last modified, the percentage zoom of the current display, and the normal page size of the diagram.

Element/Feature Name

Shows the name of the currently-selected element, attribute or operation.

Position and Size

Shows the coordinates of the top left corner of the selected element, and the width and height of the element.

Shows the name of the currently-selective Perspective or Perspective Set.

Zoom Control

Allows a zoom to be applied to all diagrams, regardless of existing zoom levels and without impacting other users. Values range from 100% to 150%.

Status Indicators

Indicates the status of the Caps Lock, Num Lock and Scrl Lock keyboard keys, and the Connect to Cloud facility (bold indicates 'in use', pale indicates 'off').

The Start Page

Display Maximized

A triangle in the bottom right corner indicates that the screen is not maximized; you can drag the screen corner to increase the size of the window.


  • The zoom facility has the same function as the 'Scale view by' field on the 'Diagram Appearance' page of the 'Preferences' dialog; changes in the 'zoomed' display scale of a diagram update this field and are applied to any other diagrams that you open

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