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Business Process Simulation

Getting to know Business Process Simulation

Introducing Business Process Simulation

The BPSim facility provides a way of simulating processes written in Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN), providing valuable results that can be used in process analysis. The BPMN models are augmented with extra data as parameters to the simulation. It allows structural and capacity analysis to be performed, providing for pre- and post-execution optimization. Enterprise Architect allows you to construct the Business Process Models and enter the appropriate data, which is then sent to a BPSim Simulation engine.

Business Process Simulation (BPSim) overview in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.

Where to find Business Process Simulation

The BPSim Execution Engine is incorporated within the Unified and Ultimate Editions of Enterprise Architect. For use in the Corporate Edition, you can purchase and download the BPSim Execution Engine from the 'Products' page of the Sparx Systems web site.

Usage of Business Process Simulation

Business Process Simulation is essentially used to mimic real world or planned processes in a model, providing a low cost way of determining the effectiveness or value of a Business Process. An analyst can assign operating information to a model and then assess the quality or effectiveness of the solution based on information received back from the Simulation engine. Simulations can be run any number of times adjusting configuration information. The Simulation can be performed on current state and future state processes as required. It is common practice only to investigate critical or problematic processes.

Options for Business Process Simulation

The configurations created inside the repository and the BPMN Business Process diagrams can be exported in a standard format and consumed by any standards-compliant BPSim engine. Sparx Systems provides a BPSim compliant Simulator in the BPSim Execution Engine, which allows the Simulation to be performed inside the tool.

Simulation results can be stored in the engine and used for cross-Simulation comparison.

Learn more about Business Process Simulation

Business Process Simulation