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Analysis Models

Create Rigorous and Articulated Models of Analysis Concepts from Strategy to Implementation

Analysts have typically had to work in a variety of text-based tools and general purpose drawing packages. The disparate nature of the output from these tools required analysts to copy and paste content between the tools and there was also the considerable task of keeping all the heterogeneous documents up-to-date. Enterprise Architect equips the analyst with a single tool that can seamlessly tie all their work together in a rigorous model that can be updated in a single place, versioned, and used to produce high quality documentation in a variety of formats. The models they create can be traced back to strategic models including stakeholder goals and business drivers and plans, and the same models can also be traced down to architectural solutions and designs, creating a single fabric of knowledge.

Analysis Model Diagram Types

Analysis Tool


See also

Data Flow Diagrams

A Data Flow diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation of the flow of data through an information system; it can also be used to visualize data processing (structured design).

Developing a DFD helps in identifying the transaction data in the data model.

Data Flow Diagrams

Custom Models

Custom models provide a number of extensions to the UML model and help you to perform exploratory and non-rigorous experimentation with model elements and diagrams. For example, using a Custom diagram you can model requirements, user interfaces or custom designs.

Custom Diagram

Mind Mapping

A Mind Map is an image-centered diagram used to represent semantic or other connections between words, ideas, tasks or other items arranged radially around a central key word or idea.

A Mind Map is used to generate, visualize, structure and classify ideas, and as an aid in study, organization, problem solving, decision making, and writing.

Mind Mapping

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