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Select Document Sections

Using the 'For each Object Include' section of the 'Rich Text Format Report' dialog you can select the documentation sections to include in your report.

What you include or exclude governs how simple or detailed your report is. You can create multiple reports at different levels of detail for different audiences. Experiment with these options to see what effect inclusion or exclusion has. Most items are self-explanatory.

Selecting the checkbox against a category item in the list selects all of the options that are contained in the category. To expand a category, click on the + symbol next to the category name. To exercise greater control over a category of options expand the top level item and then select the required individual items from the list.

Sometimes an item applies only to a certain type of element; for example, 'Attributes' only applies to Class elements and a few other element types. The 'Child Diagrams' option shows or hides any diagrams that are attached under a model element; for example, a Use Case might have a Scenario diagram attached.


  • Use this feature to produce the right level of detail for your audience; technical readers might want to see everything, whilst management might require only the general outline