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Collaborate Toolbar

The Collaborate Toolbar provides options to swiftly access and switch between the communication and fact recording facilities of Enterprise Architect, such as Model Mail, Discussions and the Journal.



Explore > Portals | Show Toolbar | Collaborate

Collaborate Toolbar Options



See also

Show Discussions

Opens the Collaborate window at the 'Discussions' tab, for you to start or respond to a discussion on the currently-selected element or diagram.



Opens the Collaborate window at the 'Chat' tab, for you to participate in an exchange of brief comments on any point, with members of one of the defined user security groups.

Model Chat


Opens the Collaborate window at the 'Journal' tab, to maintain a daily journal in which you can type all kinds of ideas, comments, notes, suggestions, events, to-do lists and other reminders of what you have done or intend to do within the model.

Introducing the Journal

Model Mail

Opens the 'Mail' tab of the Collaborations window, which provides you with the ability to send, receive and respond to emails within the project team under your User Security ID, either as an individual user or as a member of a group that has a shared mail inbox.

Model Mail

Send Message

Opens the 'Model Message' dialog directly; you use this dialog to create, address and send a Model Mail message.

Create a Message


Opens the Project Calendar, defaulted to today's date, on which you can check for scheduled meetings and reminders of events, and add items for today or any day in the future.


Team Review

Opens the Team Library, which you use to review and add to a hierarchically-structured repository of comments, reports, reviews and documents on any structure, feature or aspect of the project or of other, related projects.

Library Window


  • The toolbar can be docked to any main window edge or floated freely in a convenient location for quick access
  • You can move this toolbar to any dockable position and it retains that position in subsequent sessions
  • You can hide or show the toolbar by clicking on the 'Explore > Portals > Show Toolbar > Collaborate' ribbon option