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EA_OnPostTransform notifies Add-Ins that an MDG transformation has taken place with the output in the specified target Package.

This event occurs when a user runs an MDG transform on one or more target Packages; the notification is provided for each transform/target Package immediately after all transform processes have completed.


Function EA_OnPostTransform (Repository As EA.Repository, Info As EA.EventProperties) As Boolean

The EA_OnPostTransform function syntax contains these parameters.



See also



Direction: IN

Description: An EA.Repository object representing the currently open Enterprise Architect model. Poll its members to retrieve model data and user interface status information.

Repository Class



Direction: IN

Description: Contains these EventProperty Objects for the transform performed:

  • Transform: A string value corresponding to the name of the transform used
  • PackageID: A long value corresponding to Package.PackageID of the destination Package
EventProperties Class

Return Value

Reserved for future use.