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General Setup

This is the general setup for debugging Microsoft Native Applications (C++, C, Visual Basic). You have two options when debugging:

  • Debug an application
  • Attach to an application that is running

Option 1 - Debug an application



See also


Select Microsoft Native as the debugging platform.


Select this checkbox if you are debugging a 64 bit application.

Deselect the checkbox if you are debugging a 32 bit application.


Select the Run radio button.

Default Directory

This is set as the default directory for the process being debugged.

Application Path

Select and enter either the full or the relative path to the application executable.

  • If the path contains spaces, specify the full path; do not use a relative path
  • If the path contains spaces, the path must be enclosed by quotes

Command Line Arguments

Parameters to pass to the application at start up.

Show Console

Create a console window for the debugger; not applicable for attaching to a process.

Symbol Search Paths

Specify any additional paths to locate debug symbols for the debugger; separate the paths with a semi-colon.

Option 2 - Attach to an application that is running



See also


Select Microsoft Native as the debugging platform.


Select this checkbox if you are debugging a 64 bit application.

Deselect the checkbox if you are debugging a 32 bit application.


Select the Attach to Process radio button.

Debug a Running Application

Symbol Search Paths

Specify any additional paths to locate debug symbols for the debugger.

You could specify a symbol server here if you prefer; separate the paths with a semi-colon or comma.