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Migrate an EAP/EAPX File to QEA File Format

An EAP file is a Microsoft Jet 3.5 database, and an EAPX file is a Microsoft Jet 4.0 database. The Jet database engine is available only in 32 bit configuration. Therefore, the 64 bit version of Enterprise Architect Release 16.0 and above will not be able to open an EAP or EAPX file. From Enterprise Architect 16.0, to keep using the data in an EAP or EAPX file you must transfer the contents of the file to another project that the 64 bit version can access. This project can be a file (such as a .QEA or Firebird file) or a database repository (such as a SQL Server or MySQL database).

Enterprise Architect also has a quick-transfer option to specifically convert a .eap file into a .qea file, faster than the more general option here. This option is described in the third table in this topic.

In a transfer all records in the target repository are overwritten, so if you are transferring to an existing target project take a backup of that project to ensure that you can recover any important information it already contains.



Settings > Model > Transfer > Migrate EAP/EAPX Project to QEA

Perform an EAP/EAPX Project Transfer



See also


In the 'Source Project' field, click on the Browse. button and browse for and select the name of the source EAP or EAPX file to transfer.


In the 'Type' field, click on the drop-down arrow and select the target project type. This can be either a file (.QEA - the default - or .FEAP) or a database repository (such as SQL Server or MySQL) through the Cloud, native connection or ODBC Driver connection.

Depending on the type, the 'Project' field will enable you browse for and select the target project:

  • File - select a QEA, QEAX or FEAP file
  • Database - Cloud Connection - connect to a database repository using the 'Cloud Connection' dialog
  • Database - Native Connection - connect to a database repository using the 'Open Server Connection' dialog
  • Database - ODBC Connection - connect to a database repository using the 'Data Link Properties' dialog (not available in the 64 bit version on Linux)
Server Based Repositories Open Server Connections - Native Connection Connecting Enterprise Architect to a Cloud Model


Click on the Transfer button. The progress and completion of the transfer are displayed in the 'Progress' panel.


  • When transferring a model to a DBMS, you cannot transfer the data into an empty database - the tables must already exist; if they do not, run the corresponding script supplied by Sparx Systems to create the required tables
  • If the target project file exists, its contents will be deleted and Enterprise Architect will populate the file with the contents of the source project
  • if the target project file does not exist, Enterprise Architect will create it and then populate it with the contents of the source project
  • In the Corporate, Unified and Ultimate Editions of Enterprise Architect, if security is enabled you must have 'Transfer Data' permission to transfer project data

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