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2D Bar Chart

A 2-dimensional Bar Chart can have this appearance:

A two dimensional bar chart, used for presenting model information in graphical format.

You define this appearance - or its alternatives - on the 'Appearance' page of the element 'Properties' dialog, after having set the 'Type' field on the 'Source' page to '2D' Bar. Each change in setting is immediately illustrated by an example Chart on the 'Appearance' page.


Select a Chart element on a diagram or in the Browser window.


Design > Element > Properties > General > Properties Dialog > Appearance

Keyboard Shortcuts

Alt+Enter | Appearance


Double-click on element | Appearance

Define 2D Bar Chart Appearance



See also


Click on the drop down arrow and select the Bar Chart category:

  • Column (the default, as illustrated) or
  • Horizontal Bar


Click on the drop down arrow and select how the object Type is represented:

  • As a Cluster of columns (the default, as illustrated) with each property represented by a column or bar in the cluster
  • As a Stack, where each object is represented by a single column or bar and each property is represented by a segment of that bar; the bars are different lengths, depending on the sum of the values of the segments
  • As a 100% Stack, where the single bars or columns are of equal lengths (100%) and the segments represent the percentage contribution of each property

This option is grayed out if the 'Group By properties' field on the 'Chart Details | Details' page has no value. The Chart then displays as a simple column or horizontal bar for each object.


Click on the drop down arrow and select the direction of the color gradient in each bar:

  • Solid Color (no color gradient)
  • Horizontal (color fades from bottom to top)
  • Vertical (color fades from left to right)
  • Pipe (the default, as shown; color fades from edges to center)
  • Bevel (each bar appears raised, with color shading)


Click on the slider and drag it across until the illustration shows the degree of transparency you require.

The left extreme (no transparency) sets the bars to full fill color (as shown earlier); the right extreme (full transparency) sets the bars to colored edges and no fill.

Show Data Labels

This checkbox defaults to selected, to display the column or segment values as a framed label (as shown).

Deselect the checkbox to hide the labels (as shown for the 'Gradient', 'Type' and 'Transparency' fields).

Display Shadow

This checkbox defaults to selected, to display the column or bar with a gray shadow (as shown).

Deselect the checkbox to omit the shadow. (At a transparency of approximately 50% through to 100% the bars do not have a shadow either.)

Display Legend

Select this checkbox to show the meaning of the Chart bars, columns or segments as a legend to the right of the diagram.

Deselect the checkbox to hide the legend.

Label Position

If 'Show Data Labels' is selected, click on the drop down arrow and select the position in which to display the labels relative to the column, bar or segment:

  • 'Center' - the label is shown in the center of the column, bar or segment
  • 'Inside End' - the label is shown inside the top of the column or segment, or at the right end of the bar
  • 'Inside Base' - the label is shown inside the base of the column or segment, or at the left end of the bar
  • 'Outside End' - the label is shown off the end of the column, bar or segment and linked to it by a line (the default, as illustrated previously)

The other three options are illustrated in this composite picture:


Click on this button to apply the changes and close the dialog.


Click on this button to abort the changes and close the dialog.

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