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Set User Avatar

When you are contributing to element discussions or Chats, your contributions are indicated by your user ID. You can also define an icon that represents your User ID - that is, an avatar - to display in front of your ID, so that your statements can be more easily recognized in the conversation. This avatar is defined for your user ID within the model.

User security must be enabled in order to identify each user and hence display their avatars in the discussions.

Define an Avatar

  1. Create and/or locate a suitable image to use as your avatar.
  2. In Enterprise Architect, drag the 'Image Asset' icon from the 'Artifact' page of the Diagram Toolbox onto a diagram.
  3. The 'Select an Image' dialog automatically displays; browse for and select the image you have identified to use as your avatar.
  4. Save the diagram.

Assign the Avatar

  1. Select the 'Settings > Security >My Account > Set Avatar' ribbon option.
  2. The 'Select image for avatar' dialog displays. Browse for and select the Image Asset Artifact you created earlier.
  3. Click on the OK button. The image is associated with your user ID.
  4. Open the Discuss & Review window (Ctrl+9) and create a discussion item, then click away from it. Your avatar should now display against the message you have created.

You can repeat the process with a different image if you decide to change your avatar.