Set Cost Parameters on Resource
Create the BPMN Model (Resources)
- In the Browser window create a StartEvent1, a GlobalTask1, two abstractTasks called Task (by Junior) and Task (by Senior), and an EndEvent1.
- Ctrl+drag the elements from the Browser window onto a diagram, pasting GlobalTask1 as an Invocation (Call Activity) named call global (by Junior).
- Connect the elements with Sequence Flows.
- Create two BPMN2.0 Resource elements: Junior Developer and Senior Developer.
BPSim Configuration
Create a Business Process Simulation configuration Artifact in the diagram, right-click on it and select the 'Configure BPSim' option, then set the configuration to link to the Package containing the BPMN model elements and configure these BPSim parameters as indicated.
- Click on the BPSim Configuration Artifact and, for the Scenario Parameter 'Time Unit', click on the 'Value' drop-down arrow and select 'hours'.
- In the 'Value' field for the 'Duration' parameter, set the value to '0001 00:00:00' (1 day).
This Time Unit is used to calculate the Time Cost (Time cost = Unit Cost * Time), so make sure the Unit Cost is based on the correct Time Unit.
- On the diagram, click on StartEvent1.
- Click on the New Parameter drop-down arrow and select 'Control'.
- In the 'Parameter' field click on the drop-down arrow and select 'TriggerCount'.
- In the 'Value' field type '1'.
- On the diagram click on Task(by Junior).
- Click on the New Parameter drop-down arrow and select 'Time'.
- Click on the 'Parameter' drop-down arrow and select 'ProcessingTime'.
- In the 'Value' field set the value to '000:000:000 004:00:00' (4 hours).
- Click on Task (by Senior) on the diagram and repeat steps 2, 3 and 4, setting the 'Value' field to '000:000:000 003:00:00' (3 hours).
- Click on GlobalTask1 on the diagram and repeat steps 2, 3 and 4, setting the 'Value' field to '000:000:000 002:00:00' (2 hours).
- On the diagram, click on the Junior Developer Resource.
- Click on the New Parameter drop-down arrow and select 'Resource'.
- Click on the 'Parameter' drop-down arrow and select 'Selection'.
- In the 'Values' field, click on the button to open the 'Edit Resource Selection' dialog.
- Click on 'Junior Developer', and on the Add Selection By Resource(s) button to move the selection to the 'Resource or Role' panel.
- The 'Quantity Required' column defaults to '1'; overtype this value with '10'.
- Click on the AND radio button to set the logical relationship; the final expression for Resource selection is composed and shown in the text field.
- Click on the OK button to return to the Configure BPSim window, where the expression is shown in the 'Values' field.
- Click on the Senior Developer Resource and repeat steps 2 through to 8, typing '5' in the 'Quantity Required' field.
- On the diagram click on Junior Developer.
- Click on the New Parameter drop-down arrow and select 'Resource'.
- Click on the 'Parameter' drop-down arrow and select, in turn:
- 'FixedCost', then in the 'Value' field click on the button, select
the 'Constant' tab and 'Floating', then in the 'Constant Floating'
field type '100' and in the 'CurrencyUnit' field type 'AUD'; click on
the OK button
- 'UnitCost' - do the same, setting the 'Constant Floating' field to '20'.
- On the diagram click on Senior Developer and repeat steps 2 and 3, setting:
- 'FixedCost' to '100'
- 'UnitCost' to '30'.
- On the 'Configure BPSim' dialog, click on the 'Execute' tab.
- Click on the button'.
- When the simulation is complete, click on the 'Review' tab, and on the 'Standard Results Report' tab.
- Filter the report by clicking on the button and selecting the 'Show only Non-Empty Items' option.
- Total Completion Cost is '200', calculated as FixedCost (100) * number of Activities involved (2)
- Total Time Cost is '120', calculated as ProcessingTime (4 + 2 = 6 hours) * UnitCost (20/hour)
- Total Completion Cost is '100', calculated as FixedCost (100) * number of Activities involved (1)
- Total Time Cost is '90', calculated as ProcessingTime (3 hours) * UnitCost (30/hour)