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SysML Parametric Simulation

Enterprise Architect provides integration with both OpenModelica and MATLAB Simulink to support rapid and robust evaluation of how a SysML model will behave in different circumstances.

The OpenModelica Libraries are comprehensive resources that provide many useful types, functions and models. When creating SysML models in Enterprise Architect, you can reference resources available in these Libraries. 

Enterprise Architect's MATLAB integration connects via the MATLAB API, allowing your Enterprise Architect simulations and other scripts to act based on the value of any available MATLAB functions and expressions. You can call MATLAB through a Solver Class, or export your model to MATLAB Simulink, Simscape and/or Stateflow.

SysML Simulation features

These sections describe the process of defining a Parametric model, annotating the model with additional information to drive a simulation, and running a simulation to generate a graph of the results.



See also

Introduction to SysML Parametric Models

SysML Parametric models support the engineering analysis of critical system parameters, including the evaluation of key metrics such as performance, reliability and other physical characteristics. These models combine Requirements models with System Design models, by capturing executable constraints based on complex mathematical relationships. Parametric diagrams are specialized Internal Block diagrams that help you, the modeler, to combine behavior and structure models with engineering analysis models such as performance, reliability, and mass property models.

For further information on the concepts of SysML Parametric models, refer to the official OMG SysML website and its linked sources.

Creating a Parametric Model

An overview on developing SysML model elements for simulation, configuring these elements in the Configure SysML Simulation window, and observing the results of a simulation.

Creating a Parametric Model

SysMLSimConfiguration Artifact

Enterprise Architect helps you to extend the usefulness of your SysML Parametric models by annotating them with extra information that allows the model to be simulated. The resulting model is then generated as a model that can be solved (simulated) using either MATLAB Simulink or OpenModelica.

The simulation properties for your model are stored against a Simulation Artifact. This preserves your original model and supports multiple simulations being configured against a single SysML model. The Simulation Artifact can be found on the 'Artifacts' Toolbox page.

Configure SysML Simulation

User Interface

The user interface for the SysML simulation is described in the Configure SysML Simulation Window topic.

Configure SysML Simulation

Model Analysis using Dataset

Using the Simulation configuration a SysML Block can have multiple datasets defined against it. This allows for running repeatable variations on a simulation of the SysML model.

Model Analysis using Datasets

SysPhS Standard Support

The SysPhS Standard is a SysML Extension for Physical Interaction and Signal Flow Simulation. It defines a standard way to translate between a SysML model and either a Modelica model or a Simulink/Simscape model, providing a simpler model-based method for sharing simulations. See the SysPhS Standard Support Help topic.

SysPhS Simulation


To aid your understanding of how to create and simulate a SysML Parametric model, three examples have been provided to illustrate three different domains.  All three examples happen to use the OpenModelica libraries. These examples and what you are able to learn from them are described in the SysML Simulation Examples topic.

SysML Simulation Examples

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