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Create Operation Containers

Whilst the default method of modeling Database Functions, Procedures and Sequences is to create them as individual elements, you can also represent a number of each type of structure as operations of a container Class. You add a stereotype to the Class, which specifies:

  • The type of data structure the Class will contain
  • The stereotype that will be automatically assigned to each operation created in the Class (for a given data structure, the operations can only be of one stereotype)



Drag the 'Class' icon onto the diagram

Create the Container Class



See also


Right-click on the Class element on the diagram and select the 'Design > Element > Editors > Properties Dialog' option.

The element 'Properties' dialog displays, showing the 'General' tab.


In the 'Name' field, type an appropriate name for the container.


In the 'Stereotype' field (in the table at the right edge of the dialog) type:

  • 'functions' for a Database Function container
  • 'procedures' for a Stored Procedure container
  • 'sequences' for a Sequence container

The 's' at the end of the stereotype name is important.


Click on the OK button to save the setting and close the dialog.

Create database structures as operations of the Class



See also


Click on the Class element on the diagram and press F10.

The 'Database <Structure> container: <Classname>' dialog displays.


Right-click in the 'Functions' ('Procedures' or 'Sequences') list and select 'Add New <structure>'.


In the 'Name' field, type an appropriate name for the operation, such as:

  • fn_WorkDays
  • sp_AddOrder or
  • seq_AddressID


In the 'Notes' field type any supporting comments or explanation of the operation.

In the 'Function definition' field (or 'Procedure definition', or 'Sequence definition') type the appropriate text.


Repeat steps 2 to 4 until you have defined all the operations you require.


Click on the list and then on the Close button to close the dialog and show the operations within the Class on the diagram and in the Browser window.

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