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WSDL Service

A WSDL Service is represented by a «WSDLservice» stereotyped Interface; it describes a collection of Ports that expose a particular Binding. You can create a WSDL Service element by dragging the Service icon from the WSDL Toolbox and dropping it directly onto a diagram in the Services Package of your WSDL model.

When you save a newly-created «WSDLservice» stereotyped Interface, the system:

  1. Adds the WSDL Binding elements exposed by the WSDL Service to the Service diagram.
  2. Draws an Association connector from the Service element to each Binding element.
  3. Labels each connector with the corresponding Port name.

Toolbox Icon


To display the 'WSDL Service' dialog for the selected «WSDLservice» stereotyped Interface, use one of the methods outlined here.


Design > Element > Editors > Properties

Context Menu

Right-click on «WSDLservice» stereotyped Interface| Properties

Keyboard Shortcuts



Double-click on a «WSDLservice» stereotyped Interface, or

Drag the icon from the toolbox and drop directly onto the SampleService diagram, under the Services Package in the WSDL Package structure. (This creates a new «WSDLservice» stereotyped Interface.)

Define Properties



See also


Type in the name of the WSDL Service.


(Optional) Type in any notes you need for this element.


Identify the Ports (or endpoints) for this WSDL Service.

To add a Port to the list, click on the New button. The 'WSDL Port' dialog displays.

  • Port Name - Type in the name of the Port
  • Binding - Click on the drop-down arrow and select a Binding element from the list of all the WSDL Bindings created in theBindingsPackage
  • Location - Type in the URL for the Port
  • Documentation - (Optional) Type in any notes you need for this Port
  • OK - Click on this button to save the values entered and close the 'WSDL Port' dialog
  • Cancel - Click on this button to discard the values entered and close the 'WSDL Port' dialog
  • Help - Click on this button to display this Help topic

The Ports are organized in the list with the most recent at the top and the oldest at the end.

To remove an entry from the list, click on it and click on the Delete button.

WSDL Binding


Click on this button to save the data entered and close the WSDL Service dialog.


Click on this button to discard the data entered and close the 'WSDL Service' dialog.


Click on this button to display this Help topic.


This button is displayed when you are editing existing WSDL Service element information.

Click on the button to open the UML element 'Properties' dialog for the element.

Properties Dialog


  • WSDL Services can only be created under the Service Package in the WSDL Package structure
  • The name of the WSDL Service should be unique amongst all the WSDL Services within the WSDL

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