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Properties Window - Diagram

The 'Diagram' tab of the Properties window provides a number of fields and options you can set to define what the diagram shows and how the objects are presented.



Click on the required diagram and then display the Properties window using one of these methods:

Start > Application > Design > Properties > Diagram

Design > Element > Editors > Properties > Diagram

Keyboard Shortcuts

Ctrl+2 > Diagram

Alt+1 > Properties > Diagram

Alt+5 > Properties > Diagram

Diagram Properties



See also


Defaults to the name of the parent Package as the name of the diagram. If necessary, you can edit the name or overtype it with a new name.


Displays the diagram type. You cannot edit this field.


(Optional) Type in the name of a diagram stereotype to apply, or click on the drop-down arrow and select a stereotype from the list.

You can define stereotypes to select here using the 'Settings > Reference Data > UML Types' ribbon option, selecting the 'Stereotypes' page and creating stereotypes with a 'Base Class' of 'Diagram'.

UML Stereotypes


Defaults to the name of the person who created the diagram. If necessary, you can overtype this or click on the drop-down arrow and select an alternative name from the list.

Applied Metamodel

Displays the name of the diagram View or specialization. If necessary, click on the drop-down arrow at the right of the field and select a different View.

Filter to Metamodel

Select this checkbox to filter the diagram to 'fade' all elements that are not derived from the same View as the selected element.

Filter to Context

Select this checkbox to filter the diagram to 'fade' all elements that have no relationships with the selected element (the context element), so that only those in the relationship group are apparent.

Context Filter a Diagram

Context Navigation

This option operates on the 'Context' tab of the Browser window, and Package elements in the diagram. When you select the checkbox and click on a Package element, the Package becomes the focus of the 'Context' tab and you can click on and expand the Package contents in the tab.

If you clear the checkbox, clicking on the diagram content has no effect on the 'Context' tab.


Displays the version number of the diagram. This defaults to 1.0 when the diagram is created, and you update the version manually according to the conventions applied in your workplace.

Filter to Version

Select this checkbox to filter the elements on the diagram and mute those that do not have the same version number as the diagram. This is of particular value when you are working on the elements of a cloned diagram and want to distinguish between elements that have been cloned to match the diagram and Package structure, and elements that are still the same version as the source.

You can use the facility to check more generally which elements are not of the same version as the diagram, such as when you drag elements from the Browser window as links to local or, more especially, external elements.

New to Version

Select this checkbox to set the version of every new element added to the diagram to the same version as the diagram. Elements dragged and dropped from the Diagram Toolbox or added using the 'New Element' dialog will have the same version as the diagram. The version value of elements dragged and dropped from the Browser window will not be updated.

Display as

Use this field to display an alternative view of the diagram. Click on the drop-down arrow and select:

  • Diagram - to show the default graphical view of the diagram
  • Specification - to show the elements on the current diagram in the Specification Manager
  • List - to show the diagram as a list of elements (Diagram List)
  • Gantt - to show the elements  on the diagram and resource allocations against them in a Gantt chart
  • Relation Matrix - to show a graphical relationship matrix for the elements on the diagram
  • Construct View - to show the elements on the diagram and project management information attached to them in a grid view
The Project Gantt View Specification Manager - Overview Diagram List The Construct View Diagram Relation Matrix

Hand Drawn

Select this checkbox to display the diagram contents as if they had been roughly drawn by hand.


Select this checkbox to display the diagram as if it had been drawn on a whiteboard, with white fill and background.

Custom Style

Select this checkbox to turn on diagram custom style. Clear the checkbox to revert to normal notation. Changes to this checkbox are reflected in the 'Custom Draw' checkbox in the diagram 'Properties' dialog, and vice versa.

Custom Diagram Styles

Disable fully scoped object names

Select this checkbox to disable the use of fully scoped object names for elements in this diagram.

Display Element Lock Status

Select this checkbox to add a locking indicator ( or ) outside the top left corner of each locked element on the diagram.

If the element is:

  • Fully locked or locked by another user, the indicator is red
  • Locked by you or by another user in the same user group as you, the indicator is blue
  • Not locked, no indicator displays

Display Linked Document Icon

Select this checkbox to allow elements on the diagram that have Linked Documents to display the Linked Document icon (A). Clear the checkbox to hide the icon.

Create Linked Document on an Element

Collapse Embedded Elements

Reduces edge-mounted structural elements to black dots on the parent element border, on the current diagram. Each black dot represents one structural element or one hierarchy of elements; for example, a Port with an Interface collapses to one dot.


This simplifies the information presented by the diagram, when the structural elements are currently not the focus of interest.

You can move the dot representing a structural element, but you cannot create new structural elements or connectors involving structural elements on the diagram whilst this option is in use.

Show Collapsed Embedded Labels

If embedded elements have been collapsed, you can select this option to display labels identifying the collapsed elements on the diagram by name.

Use Info Tip (global)

For all diagrams in the model, display a tooltip containing element property information when you move the cursor over an element in the diagram. Setting or clearing this checkbox for one diagram sets or clears the checkbox in every other diagram in the model.

If this checkbox is not selected, diagram tooltips are not displayed.

The type of property information to display is defined in the 'Tooltips' panel at the bottom of the 'Diagram' tab of the 'Preferences' dialog.

Diagram Options

Dashboard Style

Designed to operate on Dashboard (Chart) diagrams, to lay out Chart elements in a logical sequence. Click on the drop-down arrow and select the style to apply.

This option will operate on diagrams of types other than Dashboard, but the effect might not be as useful.

Using Dashboard Styles Standard Charts

Grid Style

Click on the drop-down arrow and select 'Enable' to apply the Grid style, 'Disable' to cancel the Grid style, and 'Edit' to define or update the style.

Grid-Style Diagrams

Support Collaboration

Select a value to flag elements on this diagram where monitoring for new messages has been turned on for:

  • Elements that are the subject of Discussions
  • Chat messages to specific user groups (Chat messages to individual users are automatically monitored)

If an element is the subject of a monitored Discussion, and an unread message is in the 'Discuss' tab of the Discuss & Review window, the icon displays against the element on the diagram.

Each monitored Chat group or user should be represented by an Actor element on the diagram. If a user or a member of a group sends a Chat message, the icon displays against the appropriate Actor element on the diagram.

There are four options:

  • None - to turn Collaboration support off so that no notification icons display (any other option turns Collaboration support on for Discussions)
  • With Alias - for Chat messages, to check the Actor elements to locate the one that has the poster's user ID or group ID in the 'Alias' field
  • With Locking User - for Chat messages, to check the Actor elements for the one that has been locked under the poster's user ID or group ID
  • With Both - for Chat messages, to check firstly for the user ID that locked the element and, if that is not found, for the 'Alias' field containing the poster's user ID
Collaboration Support in Diagrams


Click on the drop-down arrow and select the theme to apply to the current diagram. The field defaults to the value 'Use global theme', which applies the theme selected on the 'Diagram > Theme' page of the model 'Preferences' dialog.

Diagram Theme Options

MDG Technology

If the diagram is part of a model created for an MDG Technology, this field displays the name of that technology


Read-only field, displaying the GUID of the selected diagram.


If your organization uses WebEA on the Pro Cloud Server, it is likely that the 'Advanced' section of the 'Diagram' tab will have this field automatically filled with the https address of the diagram for access by WebEA; this field is enabled by the Project Administrator, setting the model's web address in the 'URL' field of the 'Cloud' page of the 'Manage Model Options' dialog.

The WebEA diagram address is a composite of the model URL, the model number in WebEA, and the diagram's GUID.

Cloud Page

Show Relationships

Defaults to selected to show relationships on the diagram. To hide all relationships on the diagram, click on the checkbox to clear it.

Freeze Visible

Click on the checkbox to select it, to freeze the diagram to show only the connectors that are visible on this diagram at this point. Connectors that are subsequently created on other diagrams between the same elements are not added to this diagram until the option is deselected and the diagram is refreshed.

Freeze Visible Connectors

Show Non-Navigable Ends

Click on the checkbox to select it, to indicate when Association Ends are not navigable; a cross is shown on each non-navigable end of an Association connector.

Show Property String

Click on this checkbox to select it, to show the property strings (constraint text) for connectors.

Suppress All Labels

Click on the checkbox to select it, to hide all connector labels on the diagram.

Show Stereotype Labels

Click on the checkbox to select it, to show a label on each connector indicating the connector's stereotype.

Click on the checkbox again to clear it, to hide these stereotype labels.

Connector Notation

Click on the drop-down arrow and select the required connector notation:

  • UML 2.1 - use the standard UML 2.1 notation for connectors (the default)
  • Information Engineering - use the Information Engineering (IE) connection style
  • IDEFX1 - use the Integrated Definition Methods IDEFX1 connection style


  • In the Corporate, Unified and Ultimate Editions of Enterprise Architect, if security is enabled you must have 'Update Diagrams' permission to update diagram properties