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Creation Factory
Enterprise Architect supports the Creation Factory OSLC service, through which clients can create new Requirements via HTTP POST. To create a new Requirement, the client POSTs a representation of the Requirement in RDF format to the Creation Factory URL. If the POST is successful, the HTTP location header of the response will contain the URL of the created Requirement. An unsuccessful POST will generate an error response.
The Creation Factory URL has the format:
These are some example representations of a Requirement in RDF format.
Example |
RDF Representation |
1 |
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:oslc_rm="" xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:foaf="" xmlns:ss=""> <oslc_rm:requirement> <dcterms:title>Requirement3</dcterms:title> <dcterms:description>Requirement Notes </dcterms:description> <dcterms:creator> <foaf:Person> <foaf:name>User1</foaf:name> </foaf:Person> </dcterms:creator> <ss:type>Functional</ss:type> <ss:packageID>355</ss:packageID> </oslc_rm:requirement> </rdf:RDF> Result Description Creates a new Requirement with the specified name, notes, author and stereotype. |
2 |
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:oslc_rm="" xmlns:dct="" xmlns:foaf="" xmlns:ss=""> <oslc_rm:requirement> <dct:title>Requirement4</dct:title> <ss:packageID>355</ss:packageID> <ss:difficulty>High</ss:difficulty> <ss:priority>High</ss:priority> </oslc_rm:requirement> </rdf:RDF> Result Description Creates a new Requirement with the specified name, difficulty and priority. |
3 |
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:oslc_rm="" xmlns:dct="" xmlns:foaf="" xmlns:ss=""> <oslc_rm:requirement> <dct:title>Requirement4</dct:title> <ss:packageID>355</ss:packageID> <ss:difficulty/> </oslc_rm:requirement> </rdf:RDF> Result Description Produces an error response, as the property 'difficult' has an invalid (empty) value. |
- This facility is available through the Pro Cloud Server, with a valid license
- The OSLC properties 'title' and 'packageID' of the Requirement are mandatory and must be supplied in the RDF representation
- The value of the OSLC property 'packageID' should already exist in the model, so before creating a Requirement using Creation Factory, use the Query Capability URL to determine the existing values of 'packageID'
- The OSLC properties 'identifier', 'created' and 'modified' of the Requirement are read-only and cannot be set using the Creation Factory service