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WHERE Parameter

The oslc.where Query parameter specifies the conditions that the resources must satisfy; it is similar to the WHERE clause of an SQL statement. This parameter must be appended to the base URI of the Query Capability in Enterprise Architect:


The syntax for the oslc.where Query parameter (defined in BNF grammar and as specified in the OSLC Query Syntax Specification) is:

Syntax for the oslc.where Query parameter


These example queries act on a model called firebird_model connected by the Cloud.




Query: http://localhost:480/firebird_model/oslc/qc/?oslc.where= dcterms:title="Requirement1"

Retrieves all the OSLC properties of all Requirements having the title 'Requirement1'.


Query: http://localhost:480/firebird_model/oslc/qc/?oslc.where= dcterms:title in ["Requirement1","Requirement2"]

Retrieves all the OSLC properties of all Requirements having the title 'Requirement1' or 'Requirement2'.


Query: http://localhost:480/firebird_model/oslc/qc/?oslc.where=dcterms:title="Requirement1" and dcterms:creator{foaf:name}="User1"

Retrieves all the OSLC properties of all Requirements having the title 'Requirement1', created by 'User1'.


Query: http://localhost:480/firebird_model/oslc/qc/?oslc.where=dcterms:creator{foaf:name}="User1" and dcterms:created<"2020-01-07"

Retrieves all the OSLC properties of all Requirements created by 'User1' prior to 7th January 2020.


Query: http://localhost:480/firebird_model/oslc/qc/?oslc.where= name="Requirement1"

Returns an error response, as 'name' is not a valid property in Enterprise Architect.


Query: http://localhost:480/firebird_model/oslc/qc/?oslc.where=dcterms:created<"01-07-2020"

Returns an error response as the value of the property created is not in a valid format.


  • Dates must be specified in the format YYYY-MM-DD
  • This facility is available through the Pro Cloud Server, with a valid license

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