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Installing ODBC Drivers Using Wine

To connect directly to an Enterprise Architect project hosted on a third party DBMS, you will need to use an ODBC driver appropriate for the database type.  To install an ODBC driver, first download the relevant installer, then run the installer using Wine.

Once the ODBC driver is installed, you can configure the connection from the Enterprise Architect ribbon 'Settings > User Tools > ODBC Data Sources'.

Note:  For improved performance when accessing a remote DBMS over a WAN connection, you should consider using Sparx System's Cloud Server.

To Install under Linux




Open a Terminal window, then run the installer by issuing a command similar to one of those provided here, substituting the name of the ODBC Driver installer that you want to run.

For .msi files, use:

  • wine  msiexec  /i   Downloads/<odbc-driver_name>.msi

For .exe files, use:

  • wine  Downloads/<odbc-driver_name>.exe

To Install under macOS




Open a Terminal window configured to use the Wine environment.

  • Use 'Finder' to open the 'Applications' folder, then double-click on 'Wine' (or 'Wine Stable')


Run the installer by issuing a command similar to one of those provided here, substituting the name of the ODBC Driver installer that you want to run.

For .msi files, use:

  • wine  msiexec  /i   Downloads/<odbc-driver_name>.msi

For .exe files, use:

  • wine  Downloads/<odbc-driver_name>.exe