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Meal Order Collaboration Version 1

In this example, we create a very simple model to simulate the communication between a customer and a restaurant for a meal order.

For the customer's process:

  1. A customer sends a message to the restaurant to order a meal.
  2. The customer will wait for the delivery.
    If the delivery is not fulfilled within 60 minutes, they will call the restaurant, and then continue to wait.
  3. Upon the delivery, the customer will have dinner.

For the restaurant's process:

  1. The process is started on receiving a meal order from the customer.
  2. The cooking time can be set by the user. This allows  experimentation with different events times, e.g. 30 minutes, 70 minutes
  3. The restaurant delivers the meal and finishes the process.

Create BPMN Model

To set up a BPMN model that can be used for this BPSim simulation you:

  • Create a Collaboration Model with 2 Pools
  • Within each Pool create an element for each process
  • Connect the elements with Message Flows for the process communication
  • Include a BPSim Artifact for setting the simulation details.

Configure BPSim

In this example we configure the following BPSim parameters:

  • Set the TriggerCount of StartEvent in Hungry Customer to 1
  • Set the ProcessingTime of Cook Meal to 70 minutes
  • Set the InterTriggerTimer of Intermediate Event to 60 minutes
  • Default settings on other BPSim parameters, here is a list of configurations, you can view thourgh Review > Configuration Summary


Ensure the Config BPSim window is open (Simulate > Process Analysis > BPSIM >  Open BPSIM Manager).

Navigate to Execute tab and run the Standard Simulation:

The Exclusive Event Gateway was triggered by the 60 minutes Timer event when the Cooking Meal task took 70 minutes.

If we change the BPSim setting for Task: Cook Meal: ProcessingTime from 70 minutes to 30 minutes, the Exclusive Event Gateway will be triggered by the message event Wait For Delivery and Call Restaurant task will not be activated at all.