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Using the SysPhS Patterns

The OMG SysPhS specification lists a series of SysPhS components as the Platform Independent Component Library. What the Enterprise Architect SysPhS Patterns provide is this series of components that are common to both Modelica and Simulink. When an item is selected it creates a Block that is typed for both Modelica and Simulink. Then, when running a simulation that is set to either Modelica or Simulink, this item-type will be created in the respective tool.

The general grouping of these components is

  • Continuous components
  • Discrete components
  • Non-linear components
  • Mathematical components
  • Sources and sinks
  • Routing components
  • Logical components
  • Electrical components

When you drag the 'SysPhS Component' icon onto the diagram, the 'SysPhS Components' dialog displays.

On this dialog you firstly select the category of element to create, then the type of element to create, both by selecting from a drop-down list in the 'Component Group' or 'Component Block' field. The drop-down list in each field is populated from the OpenModelica and Simulink standard libraries. For example:

Notice that the element has stereotypes for Simulink and Modelica, so can be worked on in either of those tools. For each element, the correct Properties and Ports for the element type are automatically included in the element, as items in the element compartments. You can drag the actual structural elements from the Browser window onto the element if you prefer their physical presence on the diagram.

For a listing of all supported components and more details, see section: 11.3.2 Real-valued components in the OMG SysPhS 1.0 PDF.

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