Button controls are a common way to allow user interaction during runtime; for example, an OK button in a login screen. A Button can respond to a click event, defined by adding an 'OnClick' Tagged Value.
In response to a click event, a button can be used to, for example, send a signal, causing a trigger to fire during runtime.
Customizable design properties:
- Client Edge
- Default Button
- Disabled
- Flat
- Horizontal Alignment
- Modal Frame
- Multiline
- Right Align Text
- Right To Left Reading Order
- Static Edge
- Tabstop
- Transparent
- Vertical Alignment
- Visible
Tagged Values:
- OnClick – specifies a JavaScript command to be executed in response to a click event on this Button
Customizable design properties:
- Auto
- Client Edge
- Disabled
- Flat
- Horizontal Alignment
- Left Text
- Modal Frame
- Multiline
- Right Align Text
- Right To Left Reading Order
- Static Edge
- Tabstop
- Vertical Alignment
- Visible
Tagged Values:
- OnCheck – specifies a JavaScript command to be executed in response to a change in the value of this checkbox
- Checker – integer value [0|1]
- Enable
- Show
- Text
Customizable design properties:
- Auto
- Client Edge
- Data – semi-colon delimited string of values to populate the combo box at runtime; for example, "yes;no;maybe"
- Disabled
- Has Strings
- Lowercase
- Modal Frame
- Right Align Text
- Right To Left Reading Order
- Sort
- Static Edge
- Tabstop
- Type
- Uppercase
- Vertical Scroll
- Visible
- AddString (string)
- DeleteAll ()
- DeleteItem (number) – delete item at specified index
- DeleteString (string) – deletes all items matching string
- GetCount ()
- GetString (number)
- InsertItem (number, string)
- InsertString (number, string)
- SetString (number, string)
- Enable
- Selection – index of the currently selected item
- Show
Customizable design properties:
- Absolute Align
- Application Window
- Border - Resizing or Dialog Frame only
- Center
- Client Edge
- Center Mouse
- Clip Siblings
- Disabled
- Horizontal Scrollbar
- Left Scrollbar
- Local Edit
- Maximize Box
- Minimise Box
- No Activate
- Overlapped Window
- Palette Window
- Right Align Text
- Right To Left Reading Order
- Set Foreground
- System Menu
- System Modal
- Title Bar
- Tool Window
- Topmost
- Transparent
- Vertical Scrollbar
- Visible
- Window Edge
Customizable design properties
- Align Text
- Auto HScroll
- Auto VScroll
- Border
- Client Edge
- Disabled
- Lowercase (Edit Control only)
- Modal Frame
- Multiline
- Number
- Password
- Read Only
- Right Align Text
- Right To Left Reading Order
- Static Edge
- Tabstop
- Transparent
- Uppercase (Edit Control only)
- Visible
- Want Return
Customizable design properties:
- Client Edge
- Disabled
- Flat
- Horizontal Alignment
- Modal Frame
- Right Align Text
- Static Edge
- Tabstop
- Visible
Customizable design properties:
- Border
- Client Edge
- Disable No Scroll
- Disabled
- Left Scrollbar
- Modal Frame
- Right Align Text
- Selection
- Sort
- Static Edge
- Tabstop
- Vertical Scroll
- Visible
- AddString (string)
- DeleteAll ()
- DeleteItem (number) – delete item at specified index
- DeleteString (string) – deletes all items matching string
- GetCount ()
- GetString (number)
- InsertItem (number, string)
- InsertString (number, string)
- SetString (number, string)
- Enable
- Selection – index of the currently selected item
- Show
Customizable design properties:
- Alignment
- Always Show Selection
- Border
- Client Edge
- Disabled
- Edit Labels
- Left Scrollbar
- Modal Frame
- No Column Header
- No Scroll
- Single Selection
- Sort
- Static Edge
- Tabstop
- View
Tagged Values:
- Columns – string to initialize column names and sizes for this List Control, separated by semi-colons: for example, "Column1;100;Column2;150;"
- AddString (string)
- DeleteAll ()
- DeleteItem (number) – delete item at specified index
- DeleteString (string) – deletes all items matching the string
- GetCount ()
- GetString (number, number)
- InsertItem (number, string)
- InsertString (number, string)
- SetString (number, number, string)
- Enable
- Selection – index of the currently selected item
- Show
The initial Picture Control image can be set using the Tagged Value 'Image'. Set the value to a filename accessible by the simulation. The image can be modified at runtime using the ChangeImageFile method in JavaScript. This takes a single string parameter of the filename to be loaded.
Set the 'Image Type' property to the correct type for the file (either Bitmap, Enhanced Metafile or Icon). This setting cannot be modified at runtime.
Customizable design properties:
- Border
- Center Image
- Client Edge
- Color (frame color)
- Disabled
- Image Type
- Modal Frame
- Real Size Image
- Static Edge
- Tabstop
- View
- Visible
- ChangeImageFile (string) - filename
Customizable design properties:
- Border
- Client Edge
- Disabled
- Marquee
- Modal Frame
- Smooth
- Static Edge
- Tabstop
- Vertical
- Visible
Tagged Values:
- Range – string specifying minimum and maximum values for this control, separated by a semi-colon: for example, "1;100"
- Enable
- Pos
- Range
- Show
- Step
Customizable design properties:
- Auto
- Client Edge
- Disabled
- Flat
- Group
- Horizontal Alignment
- Left Text
- Modal Frame
- Multiline
- Static Edge
- Tabstop
- Vertical Alignment
- Visible
Tagged Values:
- OnChangeSelection – specifies a JavaScript command to be executed in response to a change in selection of this radio button
- Checker – integer value [0|1]
- Enable
- Selection – integer value
- Show
Customizable design properties:
- Auto Tick
- Border
- Client Edge
- Disabled
- Enable Selection Range
- Modal Frame
- Orientation
- Point
- Static Edge
- Tabstop
- Tick Marks
- Transparent
- Transparent Background
- Tooltips
- Visible
Tagged Values:
- Range – string specifying minimum and maximum values for this control, separated by a semi-colon: for example, "1;100"
- Enable
- PageSize
- Pos
- Range
- Show
Customizable design properties:
- Alignment
- Arrow Keys
- Auto Buddy
- Client Edge
- Disabled
- Modal Frame
- No Thousands
- Orientation
- Set Buddy Integer
- Static Edge
- Tabstop
- Visible
- Wrap
Tagged Values:
- Range – string specifying minimum and maximum values for this control, separated by a semi-colon: for example, "1;100"
Customizable design properties:
- Align Text
- Border
- Client Edge
- Disabled
- End Ellipsis
- Modal Frame
- Path Ellipsis
- No Wrap
- Notify
- Path Ellipsis
- Right Align Text
- Simple
- Static Edge
- Sunken
- Tabstop
- Visible
- Word Ellipsis
Customizable design properties:
- Border
- Bottom
- Buttons
- Client Edge
- Disabled
- Flat Buttons
- Focus
- Hot Track
- Model Frame
- Multiline
- Right Align Text
- Static Edge
- Style
- Tabstop
- Tooltips
- Visible
Tagged Values:
- Tabs – string specifying names of each tab for this control, separated by a semi-colon: for example, "Tab 1;Tab 2;Tab 3;"
Customizable design properties:
- Always Show Selection
- Border
- Check Boxes
- Client Edge
- Disable Drag Drop
- Disabled
- Edit Labels
- Full Row Select
- Has Buttons
- Has Lines
- Horizontal Scroll
- Left Scrollbar
- Lines At Root
- Modal Frame
- Right Align Text
- Right To Left Reading Order
- Scroll
- Single Expand
- Static Edge
- Tabstop
- Tooltips
- Track Select
- Visible
- Delete () - delete the specified TreeItem
- InsertItem (string) - dotted path of the new tree item to be inserted; any parent items in this dotted path that do not yet exist will be created automatically
- InsertString (string) - See InsertItem
- TreeItem (string) - dotted path of the tree item to be accessed; use the Text property to set text for this tree item, or use the Delete operation to delete this item from the tree
- Enable
- Selection – string containing dotted path of the selected tree item
- Show
- Text – get or set text for a specified TreeItem
dialog.MyDialog.MyTreeControl.TreeItem("Root.Parent.Child").Text = "Modified";
dialog.MyDialog.MyTreeControl.Selection = "Root.Parent";