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Enterprise Architect partitions the tool's extensive features into perspectives. This helps you to focus on a specific task and work with the tools you need without the distraction of other features. To work with the ArcGIS Geodatabases or Geography Markup Language features you first need to select these perspectives:

Choose perspective button.  Database Engineering > ArcGIS

Choose perspective button.  Information Exchange > Geographic GML

Setting the perspective ensures that the ArcGIS Geodatabases and Geography Markup Language diagrams, their Toolbox pages and other features of the perspective will be available by default.

ArcGIS Geodatabases

Using the  ArcGIS features in Enterprise Architect you can visualize geodatabases with ease. This allows you to unify teams working in traditional software centric and engineering systems with your geospatial teams defining features and domains. Teams defining the strategy business rules and requirements for a system or the components that deliver the system functionality can share models  with the geospatial teams creating an integrated model that will help with integration and risk reduction.

Geography Markup Language (GML)

Using the Geography Markup Language (GML) facility you can model organization or community based application schemas. The models can be used to show the relationship between Features and these elements in turn can contain any number of Properties that qualify their characteristics. These can be based on defined Types, DataTypes, CodeLIsts or Enumerations.