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Block Element Compartments

SysML elements such as Blocks and ConstraintBlocks can show compartments that list child elements and related elements. These compartments help you to easily identify the types of property owned by a Block, and to see how other elements are linked to the Block.

Compartments that show child elements are visible by default, whereas compartments that show related elements (elements linked by connectors) are hidden by default. You can toggle between displaying and hiding each of the compartments using the:

  • 'Compartment Visibility' dialog (press Ctrl+Shift+Y on the parent element on a diagram) or
  • 'Compartments' tab of the docked Properties window for diagrams (Ctrl+2) or
  • 'Properties' dialog for the diagram, on the 'Element' page ('Design > Diagram > Manage > Properties' ribbon option)

Note that:

  • Elements are listed in compartments only if they are not already rendered as elements on the diagram
  • A compartment is displayed only if at least one matching element exists for it; so, for example, a 'flowPort' compartment will be displayed only when:
         -  the parent element owns at least one Port that has a «flowPort» stereotype, and
         -  the Port is not on the diagram
  • If a compartment is not shown, it might be necessary to locate and remove from the diagram the corresponding related or child elements, save the diagram, and reload the diagram to refresh the display of compartments

The tables SysML Block - Child Element Compartments and SysML Block - Related Element Compartments each provides a list of compartments, identifying which element/connector type has to exist in order for a given compartment to be displayed.

SysML Block - Child Element Compartments

These compartments are displayed when the Block owns one or more of the appropriate child elements, and those elements are not already rendered on the diagram.

Compartment Name

Child Element Types Listed


Lists Parts that have the «AdjunctProperty» stereotype.

bound reference

Lists Parts that have the «BoundReference» stereotype.

classifier behavior

Identifies the behavioral classifier (Interaction, StateMachine or Activity), if set.


Lists Parts that have the «constraintProperty» stereotype.

directed features

Lists Parts that have the «DirectedFeature» stereotype.

flow ports

Lists Ports that have the «flowPort» stereotype.

flow properties

Lists Parts that have the «flowProperty» stereotype.

full ports

Lists Ports that have the «fullPort» stereotype.

owned behaviors

Lists Behavioral elements (Interactions, StateMachines and Activities) owned by this Block.


Lists Ports and Parts that have the «constraintParameter» stereotype.


Lists Parts that have the «participantProperty» stereotype.


Lists Properties created by adding a Part Association connector between Blocks.


Lists any Ports with other stereotypes or no stereotype, not listed in the other compartments.


Lists Parts that do not have a stereotype.

proxy ports

Lists Ports that have the «proxyPort» stereotype.


Lists Parts for which the isReference Tagged Value is set to true.


Lists Parts that have a stereotype other than those identified in this table (each stereotype has its own compartment with the same name as the stereotype).


Lists Parts that are typed by a «valueType» element.

SysML Block - Related Element Compartments

These compartments are displayed based on the relationships between a Block and other elements.

Compartment Name

Object Displayed


Identifies the source element of a connector that has the «allocate» stereotype.


Identifies the target element of a connector that has the «allocate» stereotype.


Identifies the target element of a connector that has the «derivereqt» stereotype.


Identifies the source element of a connector that has the «derivereqt» stereotype.


Identifies the target element of a connector that has the «copy» stereotype.


Identifies the source element of a connector that has the «refine» stereotype.


Identifies the source element of a connector that has the «satisfy» stereotype.


Identifies the source element of a connector that has the «trace» stereotype.


Identifies the source element of a connector that has the «verify» stereotype.


Identifies the target element of a connector that has the «refine» stereotype.


Identifies the target element of a connector that has the «satisfy» stereotype.


Identifies the target element of a connector that has the «trace» stereotype.


Identifies the target element of a connector that has the «verify» stereotype.

SysML Constraint Block Element Compartments

In addition to the compartments that a Block element can display, a Constraint Block can also display:

Compartment Name

Child Element Types Listed


Identifies any Part that does not have a stereotype (such as those without a «constraintProperty» or «objectiveFunction» stereotype; those that have the stereotype are listed in a compartment having the same name as the stereotype).

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