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Create a Timing Message

You can create a Timing Message between two Lifeline objects (State or Value) on a Timing diagram, each with existing transition points.

Create a Message between Lifelines




Click on the 'Message' icon on the 'Timing Relationships' page of the Diagram Toolbox (click on Search to display the 'Find Toolbox Item' dialog and specify 'Timing').


Click on the source Lifeline at the point at which the Message will start, and drag the cursor to the transition point on the destination Lifeline where the Message will end.

A new Timing Message is created between these two points.


Double-click on the new Message to open the 'Timing Message' dialog.

Review or complete the dialog as indicated in the 'Dialog Fields' table.

Dialog Fields

This diagram shows an example of a configured Message:

Use of Message on a UML Timing diagram.

The OMG Unified Modeling Language specification, (v2.5.1, figures 14.30 and 14.31, p.520)




Identifies the Lifeline from which the Message originates.


Identifies the Lifeline on which the Message terminates.

Start Time

Shows the time after the timeline begins at which the Message starts. You can change this if you need to.

End Time

Shows the time after the timeline begins at which the Message ends. You can change this if you need to, but the time must correspond to a transition point on the target Lifeline.


(Optional) Type in a name for the Message.

Time Observation

(Optional) Type any text to act as a label providing information on when the Message is sent.

Duration Observation

(Optional) Type any text to act as a label providing information on the interval of a Lifeline at a particular state, begun from receipt of the Message.

Transition To

The state in the target Lifeline that the Message terminates on. If necessary, you can click on the drop-down arrow and select a different state to transition to. The head of the Message moves accordingly.


(Optional) Type in the name of any event that triggers the transition.

Time Constraint

(Optional) Type in the maximum time it can take to transmit the Message.

Duration Constraint

(Optional) Type in the maximum time the Lifeline can remain in the changed state after receipt of the Message.


  • You can move the source end of the Message freely along the source timeline; however, the target end (arrow head) must attach to a transition
  • If you create a new Message and do not give it a target transition, it automatically finds and attaches to the nearest transition; if you move the target end, it drags the transition with it

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