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Input Parameter Values for Simulation

As a Business Knowledge Model is self-contained, it is possible to perform a simulation 'Unit Test' by providing a default set of values as an input for its parameters. These values can be defined in the Input Parameter Values for Simulation tab in the DMN Expression window.

Parameters of a Business Knowledge Model (BKM)

Parameters for a BKM are accessed from the DMN Expression window, using the Edit Parameters button on the toolbar:

A default set of values for these parameters, that can be used in a simulation of the BKM, are defined in the 'Input Parameter Values for Simulation' tab on the DMN Expression window:

With these parameters set the BKM can be tested using the Simulation button.

Simulation Examples

These are two examples of using the Input Parameter Values for Simulation.



See also

Decision Table

An example simulation of a BKM Decision Table element based on values set in the Input Parameter Values for Simulation tab.

Decision Table Simulation Example

Literal Expression

An example simulation of a BKM Literal Expression element based on values set in the Input Parameter Values for Simulation tab.

Literal Expression Simulation Example