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Structural Relationships

Structural relationships depict the 'static' coherence within an architecture. There is always an element at the uniting end (from end) of the relationship, for the assignment and realization relationships it can be an element or a relationships connector. The uniting end (to end) of the relationship typically connects to an element but in some circumstances it can be another relationship or relationship connector. These relationships are not only about how things are structured but also about responsibility for the performance of behavior, storage, or execution or the representation of how a more concrete element plays a critical role in the creation, achievement, sustenance or operation. This table describes the structural relationships.

Structural Relationships


The composition relationship represents that an element consists of one or more other concepts.


The aggregation relationship represents that an element combines one or more other concepts.


The assignment relationship represents the allocation of responsibility, performance of behavior, storage, or execution.


The realization relationship represents that an entity plays a critical role in the creation, achievement, sustenance, or operation of a more abstract entity.