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Data Modeling Panel

The 'Data Modeling' panel provides facilities for importing existing database projects from other tools, to create or add to an Enterprise Architect project, and for importing database schema and DDL files.

Part of the Code ribbon in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.

Available Facilities



See also

Database Builder

Click on this icon to add, edit and manage database models for a wide range of DBMS products, using the Database Builder.

The Database Builder


Click on this icon to display the 'Import DB schema' dialog, through which you can specify a database schema to import from a target DBMS.

Import Database Schema


Click on this icon to display the 'Generate DDL' dialog, from which you can export the current model selection as DDL script, targeting a particular DBMS.

Generate DDL For Objects


Click on this icon to display the 'DDL Template Editor', in which you can edit the templates used to create DDL scripts for each DBMS.

Edit DDL Templates


Click on this icon to display the 'Database Datatypes' dialog to add, modify and delete database datatypes.

Database Datatypes