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Project Management Panel

The 'Project Management' panel provides facilities for managing project-level items such as issues, events, tasks and decision, for defining project risks, effort and metrics, and for obtaining an overview of the project status, including Quality Assurance reports and project statistics.

Available Facilities



See also


Click on the drop-down arrow to display a menu of options for performing searches and generating charts to manage and visualize records of decisions associated with elements in the model.

  • Show Decisions Window - display the Decisions window, which you use to record and manage specific records of decisions associated with the selected element
  • Verified Decisions - open the Find in Project view and execute a pre-loaded search for elements having decisions with the status 'Verified'
  • New Decisions - open the Find in Project view and execute a pre-loaded search for elements that have new decisions
  • Recently Created Decisions - open the Find in Project view and execute a pre-loaded search for elements having decisions that have been recorded within the last 7 days
  • Chart Created Decisions - create a chart in the currently-open diagram, showing recently-created decisions
  • Recently Effective Decisions - open the Find in Project view and execute a pre-loaded search for elements having decisions for which the Effective date has passed within the last 7 days (that is, the decision has become effective)
  • Chart Effective Decisions - create a chart in the currently-open diagram, showing recently-effective decisions
  • Decisions with no Effective date - open the Find in Project view and execute a pre-loaded search for elements that have no Effective date recorded


Click on the drop-down arrow to display a menu of options for performing searches and generating charts to manage and visualize records of events reported against elements in the model.

  • Show Events Window - display the Events window, which you use to record and manage specific reports of events lodged against the selected element
  • High Priority Events - open the Find in Project view and execute a pre-loaded search for elements that have events with the status High Priority
  • Recently Reported Events - open the Find in Project view and execute a pre-loaded search for elements having events that have been reported within the last 7 days
  • Chart Reported Events - create a chart in the currently-open diagram, showing recently-reported events
  • Recently Completed Events - open the Find in Project view and execute a pre-loaded search for elements having events that have been marked as complete within the last 7 days
  • Chart Completed Events - create a chart in the currently-open diagram, showing events that were recently marked as complete
  • Open Events - open the Find in Project view and execute a pre-loaded search for events that are currently open


Click on the drop-down arrow to display two menu options:

  • Project Tasks - select this option to display the Project Tasks window, which provides a convenient 'To Do' list of major project work items that are not recorded elsewhere; it can be used to track events such as requests or corrections
  • Project Issues - select this option to display the Project Issues window, on which you can record any identified issues against the current project
Use Case Estimation Project Reports


Click on this icon to display two options:

  • QA Reports
  • Statistics

Select the first option 'QA Reports' to display the QA Reports view, which has separate tabs that enable you to run and display these system-provided status reports:

  • Testing Details
  • Maintenance Details
  • Dependency Details
  • Implementation Details
  • Use Case Metrics

Select the second option 'Statistics' to display the 'Project Statistics' sheet, which lists the numbers of Packages, diagrams, elements, connectors, elements of each type and element features of each type in the project. For certain items, such as element risks, metrics and effort, if there are no instances of that particular object type it is still listed but with a count of 0.

Testing Details Report Implementation Details Report Dependency Details Report Maintenance Report


Click on this icon to display the Risks window, on which you create and maintain records of Risks to the work on the selected element.

Project Tools Window Risk Management


Click on this icon to display the Metrics window, on which you create and maintain records of metrics that have an influence on the work on an element.

Project Tools Window Metrics


Click on this icon to open the Effort window, on which you can create and maintain Effort records for the currently-selected element.

Project Tools Window Effort Management