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Working with Marker Sets

Marker sets enable you to create markers as a named group, which you can reapply to a code file for specific purposes.

You can perform certain operations from the Breakpoints & Markers window alone, but to understand and use markers and marker sets you should also display the appropriate code file in the 'Source Code Viewer' (click on the Class element and press F12).



Execute > Windows > Breakpoints : toolbar icon

Using Marker Sets



See also

Example of Use

You might create a set of Method Auto Record markers to record the action of various functions in the code, and a set of Stack Capture markers to record the sequence of calls that cause those functions to be called.

You could then create Sequence diagrams from the recordings under each set.

Marker Types

Create a Marker Set

To create a marker set from the Breakpoints & Markers window, click on the drop-down arrow on the icon and select the 'New Set' option.

The 'New Breakpoint Marker Set' dialog displays; in the 'Enter New Set Name' field, type a name for the set, and click on the Save button.

The set name displays in the text field to the left of the 'Set Options' icon.

Alternatively, you can select the 'Save as Set' option from the 'Set Options' drop-down to make an exact copy of the currently-selected set, which you can then edit.

Accessing Sets

To access a marker set, click on the drop-down arrow on the text field to the left of the 'Set Options' icon, and select the required set from the list.

The markers in the set are listed in the Breakpoints & Markers window.

You would normally load a marker set prior to the point at which an action is to be captured.

For example, to record a sequence involving a particular dialog, when you begin debugging you would load the set prior to invoking the dialog; once you bring up the dialog in the application, the operations you have marked are recorded.

Add Markers to Set

To add markers to a marker set, add each required marker to the appropriate line of code in the 'Source Code Viewer'.

The marker is immediately added to whichever set is currently listed in the Breakpoints & Markers window.

Each marker listed on the dialog has a checkbox in the 'Enabled' column; newly-added markers are automatically enabled, but you can disable and re-enable the markers quickly as you check the code.

Set Record Markers

Storage of Sets

When you create a marker set it is immediately saved within the model; any user using the model has access to that set.

However, the Default set, which always exists for a model, is a personal workspace, is not shared and is stored external to the model.

Delete a Marker from a Set

Right-click on the marker and select the 'Delete Breakpoint' option.

Delete a Set

If you no longer require a marker set, access it on the Breakpoints & Markers window and select the 'Delete Selected Set' option from the 'Set Options' drop-down list.

You can also clear all user-defined marker sets by selecting the 'Delete all sets' option; a prompt displays to confirm the deletion.


  • Marker Sets are very simple and flexible but, as they are available for use by any user of the model, they can be easily corrupted; consider these guidelines:
         -  When naming a set, use your initials in the name and try to indicate its use, so that other model
            users can recognize its owner and purpose
         -  When using a set other than Default, avoid excessive experimentation so that you don't add
            lots of ad-hoc markers to the set
         -  Make sure you are aware of which marker set is exposed in the Breakpoints & Markers window
            as you can easily inadvertently add markers to the set that are not relevant to the code file the
            set was created for
         -  In any set, if you have added markers that don't have to be kept, delete them to maintain the
            purpose of the set; this is especially true of the Default set, which can quickly accumulate
            redundant ad-hoc markers