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Traceability Window

Getting to Know the Traceability Window

Introducing the Traceability Window

The Traceability window provides a hierarchical view of element connections, allowing traceability to be visualized and queried as elements are traversed in the model. This tool is particularly useful because a modeler will often choose to hide diagram relationships, but by selecting an element in the diagram and viewing its connections in the Traceability window all its relationships will be revealed.

Showing the relationships between UML Use Case elements and other elements in the Traceability Window, in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.

Where to find the Traceability Window

Start > Application > Design > Traceability

Usage of the Traceability Window

The Traceability window provides a hierarchical view of the way an element is connected to other elements in the repository, along with the type of each relationship. This window gives a complete list of all relationships that cannot be seen by viewing elements in the Browser window and that also might not appear in any diagrams. It is very useful for managing Requirements and tracing how a Requirement is related to upstream process elements such as Business Drivers and downstream process elements such as Components. It is a useful tool, enabling newcomers to a model to gain a quick understanding of which are the important and well connected elements. Before you delete an element in the model, you should use the Traceability window to ensure that you understand that element's existing relationships.

Options for the Traceability Window

There is a series of options that restrict traceability to specified connector types; these options can be set to alter what is displayed in the window. The options are available from the toolbar at the top of the window.

Traceability Window Options in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.

Learn more about the Traceability Window

The Traceability Window