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Publish as Joomla! Article

Enterprise Architect Models can be published as Articles (HTML page) in a local Joomla! installation, using the 'Publish as Joomla! Article' dialog. All child Packages of the selected Package will be automatically included for publishing.


  • Install Joomla! locally and create a Joomla! repository
  • Set up an ODBC link to the Joomla! repository


In the Browser window, click on the Package to be published.


Publish > Model Reports > HTML > Publish to Joomla!    or

Specification-Specify > Element > Documentation > Publish as Joomla! Article

The 'Publish as Joomla! Article' dialog

The dialog with settings for Publishing the model content as a Joomla! Article from Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.

Create Joomla! Articles

Use the 'Publish as Joomla! Article' dialog to capture the Package contents as a Joomla! Article.



See also


Displays the name of the currently-selected Package.

If this is not the required Package, click on the Browse package button and select the correct Package.

Joomla! ODBC Link

Click on the Browse. button to browse for and select the Joomla! ODBC Link.

Set up a Joomla! ODBC Link

Joomla! Folder

Click on the Browse. button to select the Joomla! Folder in your file system.

Note that this folder should have the same name as the database in the selected Joomla! ODBC Link, and will usually be located at C:\xampp\htdocs (if you have installed XAMPP).

Install Joomla! Locally

Joomla! User

Click on the drop-down arrow and select the user in the specified Joomla! Repository, to act as author for the created Article(s).

Content Template

(Optional) Click on the drop-down arrow and select a custom content template to apply, in place of the default content template.

Use the '<default>' value for the standard, system-provided content template.

Click on the Browse. button to open the 'Joomla Content Template' dialog for creating, modifying, and deleting content templates.

Joomla! Content Templates

Diagram Theme

Click on the drop-down arrow and select a Diagram Theme to apply the color, line thickness and font style to the diagrams of elements in the article, if those elements are using default values.

If you set the field to '<none>' the system default theme defined in the 'Preferences' dialog, 'Diagram > Themes' page will be applied.

Diagram Theme Options

Sub-menu Items

Click on the drop-down arrow and select whether to show/hide sub-menu items.

  • Hidden - sub-menu items are visible only when a parent menu item is clicked
  • Visible - sub-menu items are always visible

External Hyperlink Target

Click on the drop-down arrow and select whether to show external hyperlinks in the same window or tab, or in a new window or tab.

  • _blank (New window) - opens the hyperlink in a new window or tab
  • _self (Same frame) - opens the hyperlink in the same window or tab


Select the appropriate checkboxes to include, in the published Article:

  • Project Management Items – element Resource Allocation, Efforts, Risks and Metrics
  • Test Cases – element Test Cases
  • Maintenance Items – element Changes, Issues, Defects, Tasks, Decisions and Events
  • Non Printable Elements – elements that are set as non-printable on the diagram
Project Resources Changes, Defects & Issues Create Test Records Non-printable Elements


Click on this button to publish the selected Package as a Joomla! Article.

Messages concerning the progress of publishing are displayed in the System Output window.

The System Output Window


Once the publishing process has completed, you can click on this button to launch your default web browser and view the published Article.

The Article will be found under the URL:


where <joomla_folder_name> is the name of the selected Joomla! folder.


Click on this button to close the 'Publish as Joomla! Article' dialog.


Click on this button to display this Help topic.


  • Publish to Joomla! is supported in all Editions of Enterprise Architect
  • In the Corporate, Unified and Ultimate Editions of Enterprise Architect, if security is enabled you must have 'Generate Documents' permission to Publish as Joomla! Article
  • Model items published as Joomla! Articles will be displayed in the System Output window – double-click on a Package, element or diagram in the System Output window to highlight it in the Browser window
  • When publishing large models, it is recommended that you hide the sub-menu items; the option 'Sub-menu Items', when selected, hides sub-menu items, and the 'EA Browser window' menu will initially show only the top-level menu items; clicking on a top-level menu item will then show the child menu items, if any
  • If the parent Package of the Package being published in the Enterprise Architect model already exists in Joomla!, then the selected Package will be published as a child of that parent Package in Joomla!
  • You can search published Articles by enabling Joomla!'s built-in Search functionality in the website
  • It is recommended that you do not access or refresh the Joomla! website when articles are being published from Enterprise Architect
  • If you have accidentally accessed or refreshed the Joomla! Website, or you see a PHP script error on top of the web page, log into the Joomla! 'Administrator Control Panel' and click on the Rebuild button in the Joomla! 'Menu Manager'
  • The Joomla! 'Administrator Control Panel' can be accessed through this URL:
    where <joomla_folder_name> is the name of the Joomla! folder

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