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BPSim Cost Parameters

BPSim 1.0 provides the means to set cost parameters and receive cost statistics from process simulation experiments. BPSim provides a framework to determine variable costs according to two parameters, both related to the level of activity performed in the simulated process. These parameters are:

  • Completion Cost ('Fixed Cost' in the BPSim specification) - The cost incurred whenever an operation is completed; this cost can be related to Task, Process, Sub-Process, Call Activity or Resource elements
  • Time Cost ('Unit Cost' in the BPSim specification) - The cost incurred whenever a task, process, sub-process, call activity or resource is busy for a period of time

The cost parameters are supported on Activities, resources and processes. On:

  • An Activity, Completion Cost and Time Cost (Unit Cost * Time) are both incurred whenever an Activity finishes
  • A Resource, Completion cost and Time Cost are both incurred whenever each involved resource finishes an Activity
  • A Process, Completion cost and Time Cost are both incurred whenever a process finishes

Those costs that are known without the need for simulation - for example, overall labor employment costs - are not supported by BPSim.

The configuration and simulation of cost parameters are demonstrated by two examples: