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Set Cost Parameters on Activity

Example Business Process Simulation diagram in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect

Create the BPMN Model (Activities)

  1. In the Browser window, create a StartEvent1, a GlobalTask1, two AbstractTasks, and an EndEvent1.
  2. Ctrl+drag the elements from the Browser window onto a diagram, pasting GlobalTask1 as an Invocation (Call Activity) called call global (100+2*10).
  3. Give the elements names and connect them with Sequence Flows; the two AbstractTasks should be called:
         -  Task (100+3*30)  and
         -  Task (100+4*20).

BPSim Configuration

Create a Business Process Simulation configuration Artifact in the diagram, right-click on it and select the 'Configure BPSim' option. Set the configuration to link to the Package containing the BPMN model elements and configure these BPSim parameters as indicated.



Scenario Parameters

  1. Click on the BPSim Configuration Artifact and, for the Scenario Parameter 'Time Unit', click on the 'Value' drop-down arrow and select 'hours'.
  2. In the 'Value' field for the 'Duration' parameter, set the value to '0001 00:00:00' (1 day).

This Time Unit is used to calculate the Time Cost (Time cost = Unit Cost * Time), so make sure the Unit Cost is based on the correct Time Unit.

Control Parameters

  1. On the diagram, click on StartEvent1.
  2. Click on the New Parameter drop-down arrow and select 'Control'.
  3. In the 'Parameter' field click on the drop-down arrow and select 'TriggerCount'.
  4. In the 'Value' field type '1'.

Time Parameters

  1. On the diagram click on Task(100+4*20).
  2. Click on the New Parameter drop-down arrow and select 'Time'.
  3. Click on the 'Parameter' drop-down arrow and select 'ProcessingTime'.
  4. In the 'Value' field set the value to '000:000:000 004:00:00' (4 hours).
  5. Click on Task(100+3*30) on the diagram and repeat steps 2, 3 and 4, setting the 'Value' field to '000:000:000 003:00:00' (3 hours).
  6. Click on GlobalTask1 on the diagram and repeat steps 2, 3 and 4, setting the 'Value' field to '000:000:000 002:00:00' (2 hours).

Cost Parameters

  1. On the diagram, click on Task(100+4*20).
  2. Click on the New Parameter drop-down arrow and select 'Cost'.
  3. In the 'Parameter field click on the drop-down arrow and select, in turn:
         -  'FixedCost', then in the 'Value' field click on the Browse. button, select
             the 'Constant' tab and 'Floating', and in the 'Constant Floating' field
             type '100'; click on the OK button
         -  'UnitCost' - do the same, setting the 'Constant Floating' field to '20'.
  4. On the diagram, click on Task(100+3*30) and repeat Steps 2 and 3, setting:
         -  'FixedCost' to '100
         -  'UnitCost' to '30'.
  5. On the diagram, click on GlobalTask1 and repeat Steps 2 and 3, setting:
         -  'FixedCost' to '100
         -  'UnitCost' to '10'.
  6. On the diagram, click on BPSim Cost and repeat Steps 2 and 3, setting:
         -  'FixedCost' to '50'
         -  'UnitCost' to '5'.


  1. On the 'Configure BPSim' dialog, click on the 'Execute' tab.
  2. Click on the button'.
  3. When the simulation is complete, click on the 'Review' tab, and on the 'Standard Results Report' tab.
  4. Filter the report by clicking on the button and selecting the 'Show only Non-Empty Items' option.





  • Total Completion Cost is 100, matching the FixedCost (100) setting in BPSim
  • Total Time Cost is 80, calculated as ProcessingTime (4 hours) * UnitCost (20/hour)


  • Total Completion Cost is 100, matching the FixedCost (100) setting in BPSim
  • Total Time Cost is 90, calculated as ProcessingTime (3 hours) * UnitCost (30/hour)

call global (100+2*10)

  • Total Completion Cost is 100, matching the FixedCost (100) on GlobalTask1 setting in BPSim
  • Total Time Cost is 20, calculated as ProcessingTime (2 hours) * UnitCost (10/hour) on GlobalTask1

BPSim Cost process

  • Total Completion Cost is 50, matching the FixedCost (50) setting in BPSim
  • Total Time Cost is 45, calculated as Total ProcessingTime of all tasks (4 + 3 + 2 = 9 hours) * UnitCost (5/hour)