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OpenModelica on Linux

If Enterprise Architect is installed on Linux it is necessary to operate with OpenModelica installed on the same platform. The OpenModelica Linux installation is publicly documented for Debian and Ubuntu; however, it can also be installed under Linux Mint.

This Help topic provides guidance on:

  1. Installation of OpenModelica on:
         -  Linux Debian / Ubuntu
         -  Linux Mint
  2. Configuring Enterprise Architect to access OpenModelica.

Linux Debian / Ubuntu

To install OpenModelica on a Linux Debian / Ubuntu system refer to the URL:

This provides the instructions for Debian / Ubuntu Packages.

Run these scripts on a terminal.




To add OpenModelica to your additional repository list:

for deb in deb deb-src; do echo "$deb `lsb_release -cs` nightly"; done | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/openmodelica.list


Import the GPG key used to sign the releases:

wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -


Update and install OpenModelica:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install openmodelica

sudo apt-get install omlib-.* # Installs optional Modelica libraries (most have not been tested with OpenModelica)


To check this installation, ensure that you can find the file /usr/bin/omc by, for example, executing this command on the terminal:

  • ~ $ /usr/bin/omc --version

Your installation is successful if the command returns a string resembling this:

  • OpenModelica 1.13.0~dev-1322-g53a43cf

Linux Mint

To install OpenModelica on Linux Mint, you initially perform an install for Ubuntu and then modify the Linux Mint code name to match the Ubuntu code name.

This is a list of mappings of the Linux Mint code name to the Ubuntu code name (to be used in later steps):

  • Linux Mint 17.3 (Rosa) = Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty): rosa = trusty
  • Linux Mint 18 (Sarah) = Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial): sarah = xenial
  • Linux Mint 18.1 (Serena) = Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial): serena = xenial
  • Linux Mint 18.2 (Sonya) = Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial): sonya = xenial
  • Linux Mint 18.3 (Sylvia) = Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial): sylvia = xenial
  • Linux Mint 19 (Tara) = Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic): tara = bionic

Click here for a full list of Linux Mint History and the mappings with Ubuntu.




Run this script in a terminal:

for deb in deb deb-src; do echo "$deb `lsb_release -cs` nightly"; done | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/openmodelica.list


To change the repository URL in Linux Mint:

  • On the Linux Mint main screen select:
    'Menu | Search Bar | Software Sources (type in password) | Additional repositories | Select 'Openmodelica' | Edit URL'
  • Change the Linux Mint name (for example, rosa) to the corresponding Ubuntu name (for example, trusty) as in the list at the top of this table; that is:
         deb rosa nightly
         deb trusty nightly
  • Click on the OK button


  • Select 'Openmodelica(Sources)'| Edit URL
  • Change the Linux Mint name according to the list at the top of the table
    For example, change the Linux Mint name rosa to the corresponding Ubuntu name trusty
  • Click on the OK button


To update and install OpenModelica, run these scripts in a terminal:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install openmodelica

sudo apt-get install omlib-.* # Installs optional Modelica libraries (most have not been tested with OpenModelica)


Use either of these access paths to display the 'Simulation Solver Path' dialog, to configure the solver.




Simulate > System Behavior > Modelica/Simulink > SysMLSim Configuration Manager > > Configure Simulation Solver


Double-click on an Artifact with the SysMLSimConfiguration stereotype > > Configure Simulation Solver

Configure the Solver

The 'Simulation Solver Path' dialog resembles this:

Type in or browse for the path to the solver to use.