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WSDL Namespace

A «WSDLnamespace» stereotyped Package represents the top-level container for the WSDL constructs in Enterprise Architect. You can create the Namespace Package by dragging the Namespace icon from the WSDL Toolbox page and dropping it directly onto a diagram.

Toolbox Icon


To display the 'WSDL Namepace Properties' dialog for the selected «WSDLnamespace» stereotyped Package, use one of the methods outlined here.


Design > Package > Manage > Properties

Context Menu

Right-click on «WSDLnamespace» stereotyped Package | Properties


In Browser window, double-click on «WSDLnamespace» stereotyped Package, or

Drag icon from toolbox onto a diagram (this creates a new «WSDLnamespace» stereotyped Package)

Define Properties



See also

WSDL Package Name

Type in the name of the WSDL Namespace Package element.

Target Namespace

(Optional) Type in the URL for the WSDL Namespace Package.


Click on this button to save the values entered and close the WSDL Namespace 'Properties' dialog.

If you have just created the Namespace, a new Package diagram opens containing the sample template WSDL model.

Model WSDL


Click on this button to discard the data entered and close the 'WSDL Namespace Properties' dialog.


Click on this button to display this Help topic.


This button is displayed when you are editing existing WSDL Namespace element information.

Click on the button to open the UML element 'Properties' dialog for the Namespace Package element.

Properties Dialog

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