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Create an Amazon Web Services Diagram

You can create a diagram by right-clicking on its parent Package and selecting the 'New Diagram' menu option to display the 'Diagram Builder' tab of the 'Model Builder' dialog.

If you do not have the AWS Architecture Perspective selected, click on the drop-down arrow in the Type field and select 'Analysis > AWS Architecture'.

In the 'Diagram' field type an appropriate name for the diagram, in the 'Select From' panel click on 'AWS', in the 'Diagram Types' panel click on 'AWS', and then click on the OK button. The AWS pages of the Diagram Toolbox open, including:

  • AWS Groups - This page provides a number of patterns that will create a Group with an icon (from an Image Asset) in the top left corner and the name left-justified at the top; the exceptions are Auto Scaling Group and Elastic Load Balancing, which have their icons centered at the top, and Generic Group and Highlight which don't have an icon
  • AWS Illustrations - This page provides five illustrative patterns, containing images for Users, Notification, Devices, Desktop and Office building
  • UML Base Types - This page provides a small number of UML elements that you can use within the AWS diagrams

Note that the AWS diagrams are automatically set to Custom Style, and when you right-click on an element in the diagram you can make use of the Custom Style icons on the Custom Style Toolbar.

All the icons in the Diagram Toolbox generate Image Assets as listed in the _General Package of the AWS Model Buidler pattern. The other 22 Packages in the AWS Model Builder pattern contain all the other images. Each Package has a diagram that shows every image that is included in the Package, and two sub-Packages 'Products' and 'Resources' containing Image Assets for the images. 'Product' images are white on dark gray, and 'Resource' images are dark gray on white.

To add one of these images to your diagram, locate it in the Browser window by either:

  • Searching for it by name or
  • Opening the diagram for the Package that you believe it should be in, finding it in the diagram and pressing Alt+G to highlight the Image Asset in the Browser window

Now drag-and-drop the Image Asset onto your diagram. You can choose to:

  • Add it as an element with an icon
  • Add it as an element with an image, or
  • (If you have made an element from the icon already) Add as link