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Deploy An MDG Technology

An MDG Technology can be deployed in one of two ways: as a .xml file or from an Add-In.

Deploy From a .xml File

To deploy your technology as a file, you have a number of choices:

  • Import the technology .xml file into the %APPDATA%\Sparx Systems\EA\MDGTechnologies folder (for your personal use)
  • Import the technology .xml file into the 'Resources' tab of the Browser window (for all project users to access)
  • Copy the file to the MDGTechnologies folder under your Enterprise Architect installation directory (by default this is C:\Program Files\Sparx Systems\EA); when you restart Enterprise Architect, your MDG Technology is deployed
  • Copy the file to any folder in your file system, including network drives - use the 'Specialize > Technologies > Manage Technology' ribbon option, click on the Advanced button and add the folder to the 'Technologies' path; this deployment method enables you to quickly and easily deploy a technology to all Enterprise Architect users on a LAN
  • Upload the file to an internet or intranet location: use the 'Specialize > Technologies > Manage Technology' ribbon option, click on the Advanced button and add the URL to the 'Technologies' path; this deployment method enables you to quickly and easily deploy a technology to an even wider group of Enterprise Architect users

Deploy From an Add-In

To deploy your Technology from an Add-In, you must write an EA_OnInitializeTechnologies function. This example is written in VB.Net:

     Public Function EA_OnInitializeTechnologies(ByVal Repository As EA.Repository) As Object

     EA_OnInitializeTechnologies = My.Resources.MyTechnology

     End Function

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