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Manage MDG Technologies

You use the 'Manage MDG Technologies' dialog to manage the MDG Technologies accessible to the project and available to project users. The dialog lists the technologies held in a number of locations accessed by the project, such as the APPDATA folder and the Enterprise Architect Install directory. You can set these technologies to being available for use or disabled, as you require. MDG Technologies are deployed as .xml files.



Specialize > Technologies > Manage Technology

Configure availability of Technologies



See also


Lists all MDG Technologies currently accessible to the project, in alphabetical order.

If you click on a Technology name, the upper right panel of the dialog displays the technology:

  • Name
  • Version number
  • Logo (if defined), and
  • Location of the deployed XML file, which can be:
         -  Internal to Enterprise Architect
         -  An extension
         -  In the Install directory (just the file name)
         -  In the APPDATA folder (filename followed by (in APPDATA))
         -  In the model

The lower right panel displays a description of the Technology, in many cases providing the manufacturer's web site address and a support contact.


Select this checkbox against each Technology that you want to be available for use in the project. When an MDG Technology is enabled:

  • The Technology is added to the list of available options in the 'Profile' field of the Default Tools toolbar, so that you can apply the interface profiles of the MDG Technology
  • At least one set of Toolbox pages for the MDG Technology is automatically added to the Diagram Toolbox; you can access the added Toolbox pages through the 'Find Toolbox Item' dialog
  • Any MDG Technology-specific diagram templates are added to the 'New Diagram' dialog for selection; when selected, these display the diagram-specific Toolbox pages

Clear the checkbox against a Technology to make it unavailable to the project users.

If you disable an MDG Technology that was in use, its Toolbox pages, diagram types and quick-links are omitted from the Diagram Toolbox, Default Tools toolbar, diagrams and 'New Diagram' dialog in the user interface.


Click on this button to select the 'Enabled' checkbox of every Technology listed on the dialog.


Click on this button to clear the 'Enabled' checkbox of every Technology listed on the dialog.

If you click on this button, scroll to the top of the list and select the 'Basic UML 2 Technology' and 'Core Extensions' checkboxes to re-enable the 'UML' and 'Extended' Toolbox pages and diagram types.

Set Active

Setting a Technology to Active makes that Technology your default interface to Enterprise Architect, and can:

  • Override various Toolbox pages (including those from other Technologies) with pages specific to the active Technology
  • Redefine a stereotype in another profile, adding new tags and removing or modifying existing tags, while the stereotype behaves in all other ways as if it is the original stereotype

If your preferred Technology does not use overrides and redefinitions, it is not necessary to set it to Active.

Select and highlight your preferred Technology, then click on the Set Active button. This displays an asterisk against the Technology name in the 'Technology' panel, and selects the Technology in the 'Profile' field of the Default Tools toolbar. If the MDG Technology has not yet been enabled, this button also enables it.

Redefine Stereotypes in Another Profile Override Default Toolboxes


Click on this button to add MDG Technologies in folders and websites remote from Enterprise Architect.

Access Remote MDG Technologies


(Enabled only for Technologies imported directly into the model.)

Click on this button to remove the selected Technology from the list, from the 'Resources' tab of the Browser window and from the model.

Browser - Resources


Click on this button to close the dialog, save your changes and put them into effect.


Click on this button to close the dialog and abort the changes you have made.


  • If you change the 'Enabled' setting of an MDG Technology, or if you change the list of external paths, click on the OK button to reload all enabled technologies; you do not need to restart Enterprise Architect for the changes to take effect
  • To work exclusively in a selected MDG Technology, or a small number of Technologies, you can enable just those Technologies (and perhaps set one of them to Active) and then deselect the 'Basic UML 2 Technology' checkbox (and, if necessary, the 'Core Extensions' checkbox)
  • For updates on a Profile where new Tagged Values have been added and the stereotype name is consistent, then these new or altered Tagged Values can be synchronized; for more details see the Synchronize Tagged Values and Constraints Help topic

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