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Save Profile Options

When you save a Profile, you can save it either from its parent Package or from the Profile diagram, depending on whether the Profile is:

  • A single Profile spread over multiple diagrams within the same Profile Package, which is typically the case for a Stereotypes Profile
  • One of multiple Profiles within the same Profile Package; for example, when creating multiple Toolbox profiles
  • A single diagram within the Profile Package



Design > Diagram > Manage > Save as Profile

Specialize > Technologies > Publish Technology > Publish Diagram as UML Profile

Specialize > Technologies > Publish Technology > Publish Package as UML Profile

Option Comparison

Save From Diagram

Save From Package

See also

The Profile takes the diagram name.

The Profile takes the Package name.

Notes: Package and diagram names are not necessarily the same, although you can save a lot of confusion if you make them the same or very similar.

For example: Package GL with diagrams GL1, GL2, GL3.

The Profile takes the diagram's notes.

The Profile takes the Package's notes.

Notes: Diagram notes can be significant in the Profile definition, such as for Toolbox Profiles.

See Create Toolbox Profiles

You can take the default size and appearance (including alternate image) from the diagram object.

You cannot take the default size and appearance from the diagram object.

You can use the _sizeX, _sizeY and _image properties, but there is no equivalent for default colors.


This option can be much faster.

This option can be much slower.

Notes: The difference arises because diagram objects are kept in memory and Browser window elements are not.

This is only likely to be an issue if the Profile is a large one and you are using a slow network connection to a remote repository.