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Baselines are snapshots of parts of the repository at a given point in time, that can be used for later comparison and restoration, if required.
A Baseline creates a snapshot of a model Package and its contents at a point in time and, as the model changes, allows you to compare the current state and the snapshot; if required you can revert to the previous (baselined) state. Baselines are created at the Package level and can include child Packages; any number of Packages can be baselined, and a Package can be baselined any number of times, typically at important project milestones. Baselines are by default conveniently stored within the repository making them available to any model user who has the security privileges to work with them. Alternatively, a Baseline can be stored in a Cloud-based Reusable Asset Service. These options will be explored in a later topic.

This diagram illustrates the Baseline comparison tool, showing model and Baseline properties; Status and Version have changed.
Baselines are a type of insurance policy that ensures you can always revert to a previously captured state. In this topic you will learn how to create Baselines, and some of the common business and technical purposes of the technique. You will also learn to use the comparison tool, which allows you to identify what has changed in the model since a Baseline (snapshot) was created. You can reverse changes back to the Baseline state at any level of granularity. This will be indispensable when working with Project Teams using conventional or agile techniques, or, where there are important governance or contractual requirements to manage change.
Current Repository or Reusable Asset Service
Baselines can be stored in the same repository in which the source Packages are located. They can also be stored in a Reusable Asset Service (RAS), and made accessible to users working on other repositories that have access, via a Pro Cloud Service, to the RAS repository.
These topics discuss the management of Baselines, including exploring the options and benefits of storing them in the repository or, alternatively, in a Reusable Asset Service (RAS).