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Charts Toolbox

The 'Charts' Toolbox page provides a variety of Chart artifacts to simplify the creation of Charts within your model. Each type of Chart artifact is described in the Types of Chart Artifact table.

You can create a new Chart by dragging a Chart artifact from the Toolbox page onto a diagram.  Double-click on the new Artifact to open a dialog where you can specify parameters and the data source for the Chart.

Types of Chart Artifact



See also

Standard Chart Artifact

A Standard Chart Artifact provides the facilities for generating a Pie Chart or Bar Chart on an aspect of the data in your model. It adds three 'Chart Details' tabs to the standard tabs of the element 'Properties' dialog.

After you have added the element to your diagram, double-click on it. The element 'Properties' dialog automatically opens at the 'Chart Details - Source' tab. Define the Chart type and data source, then go on to define any filters you want to apply, and how the Chart should display.

Once you have defined the Chart, it automatically displays with the latest information whenever you open the parent diagram.

Standard Charts

Time Series Chart Artifact

A Time Series Chart Artifact provides the facilities for generating a linear graph of a model property over time.

After you have added the element to your diagram, double-click on it. The element 'Properties' dialog automatically opens at the 'Chart Details - Source' tab. Define the Package from which the data is to be extracted, and the time interval over which the data is to be sampled. Then go on to define the appearance of the Chart.

Once you have defined the Chart, it automatically displays with the latest information whenever you open the parent diagram.

Define a Time Series Chart

Dynamic Chart Artifact

Dynamic Chart Artifacts are Chart elements that can be styled and rendered dynamically when the diagram opens.

Dynamic Charts rely completely on code to define their series, style and content and are managed entirely through the Automation Interface by clients - typically Plug-ins and scripts.

Dynamic Charts

BPSim Result Chart Artifact

The BPSim Result Chart Artifact appears in the 'Charts' page of the Toolbox when the BPSim Simulation Engine has been installed and registered on your system. This Artifact generates a Chart that reflects selected results from a series of standard BPSim Simulations.

BPSim Charts

BPSim Custom Result Chart Artifact

The BPSim Custom Result Chart Artifact appears in the 'Charts' page of the Toolbox when the BPSim Simulation Engine has been installed and registered on your system. This Artifact generates a Chart that reflects selected results from a series of customized BPSim Simulations.

BPSim Charts

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